Let me start by saying this is a great compliment to my Phenom Unleashed and it is quickly becoming my favorite ball.
I have been able to use it on 3 different conditions so far and I have been able to find a consistent line on each of them.
14# 4oz
3 1/2" Pin
2 1/4oz Top
OOB Surface
5 9/16 (pin) X 5 1/2 (MB)
Pin: up 3 1/8 right 1/2
MB: down 3 1/2 right 2
Balance hole 3/4" past VAL, down 3/4"
38' Med - Med/Hvy Pro-Anvil:
Played 13 to 7 on this pattern with around 45° axis rotation at release.
The ball had good length having no problem getting to the break point and then had a nice semi strong arc with good continuation.
44' Med. Wood
Played 15-5 on this pattern with around 60° axis rotation at release.
On this pattern the ball wanted to read a little to early which is why I had to move inside a bit and increase axis rotation. Once I made the adjustment the ball was very consistent with good length and a strong arc and great continuation.
40' Med/Hvy - Hvy Wood
This is where the ball really shined for me. The pattern was just down right brutal, don't know what the readings would have been if taped, but I do know that the oiling program was 1:1 from 5R to 5L. I have a speadsheet of the pattern if anyone would like to see it. Well anyway I was playing 7-2 with about 45° axis rotation. The ball justed skated to the late midlane and then started a nice read, once it reached the break point and started it's move it had so much continuation I swear it looked like it would have still been hooking at 90'.
I also used my Phenom Unleashed (details in profile) on each of these:
38' - 17-8
44' - 22-10
40' - 15-8
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