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Author Topic: Rule GP2  (Read 15854 times)


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Rule GP2
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Introducing the Rule GP2, the newest high-performance innovation from the Track team. The Rule GP2 defies logic. Never has the industry seen a particle ball that is aggressive in the midlane without giving up angular, continuous backend motion in heavier oil environments. The Rule GP2 freatures a combination of two different particles precision-injected into the aggressive Goo reactive. Track then matched the new coverstock with the large-volume Morpheus 1.0 core; added the high-volume Rev-Lever attachment from the Rule and the Xception core for strong mass bias; raised the RG for more energy retention; and attached a flip block for awesome backend reaction. Aggressive in the front and the backend, the Rule GP2 delivers the technology that has made Track the industry leader in core/coverstock innovation.

Drill Patterns

Rule GP2 Specs
Hook Rating 42-32  
Length 3.5  
Backend 9.0  
Core Technology Morpheus Rev-Lever  
Core Power 9.5  
RG 2.57  
Differential 0.052  
Determinator Spin Time 6.2  
Flare Potential 7  
Coverstock Goo Particle  
Friction Rating 9.9  
Finish Ultra-Smooth  
Polish Clean N Sheen  
Reaction Shape Strong Arc  
Lane Condition Heavy  



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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2005, 12:20:42 PM »
I Drilled by Rule GP2 with a 41/4 x 2.5 in pin. I drilled my balance hole 3 inches below my PAP. This ball flat out moves and never seems to lose energy. I can't wait to see what it does on a long regional pattern. For a ball that is so strong even with a little surface it clears the front very nicely and rolls VERY strong through the midlane. I have yet to find a condition where there is too much oil for this ball. Also this ball does not seem to burn up like most strong particle balls. AMAZING BALL.

Blaine Weninger
TRACK PBA Regional Staff


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2005, 07:18:49 AM »

Lane Condition bowled on= fresh oil 42ft on new synthetic hpl lanes.

Bowling style= Right Handed semi Cranker, 18-19 mph ball speed.

Ball condition= Brand new in box surface condition

layout= drilled fingertip, pin above and in between the fingers, cg moved right toward pap,MB rt of thumb about 3". My PAP is 5" over, and 3/4" up. This one has a weight hole on the PAP.

Simple amazing is all I can say about the GP2. I have never seen a ball as stron as this. A very good choice for heavier oil, or longer conditions, and lso good on carrydown. This ball revs up great, gets down the lane well, and the hit is amazing. I don't think i've thrown a stronger ball to date. The GP2 definatly complements the Rule and Xception. With those 3, you can cover all varieties of lane conditions. If your looking for a powerful cover, a strong core, the GP2 should be your choice!


Track International Amateur Staff Member

R.I.P Dick Weber 1929-2005

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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2005, 10:07:29 PM »
This has to be my all time favorite heavy load particle ball.

Since drilling it I have made the finals in a PBA east regional shooting
300 in the process. Won 2 local tournaments 1 where the finals were bowled on TV.

This ball is actually the 2nd GP2 I drilled ( 1st was 16 lbs I switched to 15 lbs)

I put the pin 4 inches next to ring finger 4 inches from PAP CG 5 inches from PAP x hole 2 inches below PAP MB strong.

This ball clears the front with ease, rolls in the midlane then backends hard.
This ball seems to carry every type of hit from light to kick 4.

I have left mine box finish so it does need oil in the front.

If you are looking for a ball for heavy to med oil that doesn't hook early
the GP2 is the one.

This ball is another winner from Track!!!!!!!
John Walther III
Track International
PBA Eastern Region Staff Member


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2005, 06:07:33 PM »
I drilled this ball with the pin 5" from my PAP and just under the fingers. The mass bias was kicked out about 2" from the PAP.

This is my new heavy oil ball - replacing my scuffed Animal. Even with a 5" pin placement I get enough flare to conquer any heavy oil condition. I found that this ball covers as many total boards as my Animal, but it seems to have more energy on the backend where the Animal would often seem to run out of gas.

On a standard house shot I could throw this ball out almost to the gutter and it would still have enough power to get back to the pocket and I could pull the ball into the oil and the coverstock was strong enough to help the ball get into a strong enough roll to hit the pocket AND carry the 10-pin.



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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2005, 06:17:34 PM »
Ok.. sorry this wont be a completely informative review seeing that i dont know how its drilled...ive had the same guy always drill my only 16 and i dont really ask him...hes always does it good and im always happy with it hes a former pro bowler....Keith Craycraft....anyway I got this ball and for 2 weeks i thought it was the biggest waste of 230 dollars ever...well i was completely and utterly wrong..WOW..what a ball..i dont know really what was going on those couple of weeks but just a while back i had a adult jr tournament " im 16" lol and well it hooked like nothing i figured wow finally peice of shiznit actually did somehting and then it hasnt stopped hooking since...WOW is this a ball im so impressed with this i even tried moving out to about 25 and throwing to about between 5 and 7 and it still got back...i usually stand at 20 and throw to 5 but i just wanted to try it and it got back without a problem....GET THIS BALL SOO MUCH POWER....HOOK....and CONTROLLABILITY
Son abcs say are cheerios


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2005, 12:41:25 PM »
I had this ball drilled for full roller and it was ok? but there was something lacking in my game so i went to see a bowling coach and now i have a pap,axis tilt and i am able to play inside angles.

Now about the ball,I had it plugged and redrilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 med. length and enough backend to still carry and i left it OOB condition i am not one to polish a dull ball or dull a polished ball i try to leave it as it was ment to be used for.

Well last nite in league on a THS this was to much ball but I was going to use it anyway if I got it out to the dry to soon it would burn up and leave the 10 pin so the line that worked the best was 18-10 and pow 10 in the pit.I have'nt had a track ball sice the ENFORCER that hit and carried this well I can't wait for some heavy oil to help it retain some more energy and really smash the pins.
A Bowling Ball A Day Keeps The Doctor Away


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2005, 09:46:12 PM »
I bowl in a wood house cooked heads. 38 ft pattern buffed to 42 ft wood lanes. Ball speed 18-19 mph, med revs. Drilled my Gp2 with pin above ring finger. Pin 2 ¼ above grip line. With a 3” kick of mb to the right of my thumb. Weight hole is 5’ over on my grip line. Great for heavy oil. And very good with carry down. The Gp2 Rule and Aressenal Aggressive and Exception make a great 1,2,3 punch in the bag. Rember bowlers when done bowling clean your equipmewnt with Track clean and dull.
Track Amateur Staff member.


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2005, 09:51:32 PM »
I bowl in a wood house cooked heads. 38-ft pattern buffed to 42-ft wood lanes. Ball speed 18-19 mph, med. revs. Drilled my Gp2 with pin above ring finger. Pin 2 ¼ above grip line. With a 3” kick of Mb to the right of my thumb. Weight hole is 5" over on my grip line. Great for heavy oil. And very good with carry down. The Gp2 makes a better move to the pocket then any other ball when on a fresh condition. The Gp2 Rule, Arsenal Aggressive and Exception make a great 1,2,3 punch in the bag. Remember bowlers when done bowling clean your equipment with Track Clean N Dull.
Track Amateur Staff member.


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2005, 12:35:13 PM »
For the GP2, I used my favorite strong particle cover layout, a 5" pin about the ring finger w/ a 4 1/2 Mass Bias distance from my pos. axis. A 25/32" balance hole drilled 2" deep on axis took the static balance to 1/2 pos.

The box finish handled a high volume house condition beautifully, as the core revved up in the 30' range and even given the layout, I got 5" of track flare, 3" of it in the oil pattern. Smoothing out the surface with Clean N Sheen to 1000 allowed me to square up to the oil line at second arrow and feed it to the dry with a powerful backend move to the pocket. The multi-particle coverstock ended up being more versatile that I thought it would be. On a 40'
22ml volume sport pattern, a surface change back to 500 was necessary to let the ball read the mid-lane well enough to get a consistent backend reaction. Overall, all the hook just about any bowler will ever need on all but the most dry conditions, and layout is of greater effect than in reactive coverstocks with symmetrical cores.  Chuck Schommer, Track Amateur Staff


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2005, 12:28:32 AM »
OK first of all I need to say something. I love this ball. It is set fully aggressive w/ 3 in pin out and no weight removed. It is 14 lbs. Right out of the box this ball gave me a great read on the lanes. In heavy oil/carrydown this ball has been astounding. The move to the pocket is aggressive yet smooth at the same time. The pin action I get is great because I have only left 2 ten pins so far(mostly my fault). First series out with the ball was (228,209,264) for a 701. This ball tends to bite later down the lane than you might expect. It is however perfect for a tweener like me. All in all, a great buy for bowlers looking for a heavy oil/carrydown ball that is aggressive yet smooth. LOTS OF THANX TO D Pat for his recommendation of this ball to me. Thnx Dan, I owe you for this.
Best advice: Find the perfect arm swing.


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2005, 02:57:16 AM »
Track Rule GP2
Weight: 15#
Pin: 3"
Top Weight: 2.75 oz

Pin Below Ring Finger, no weight hole, Mass Bias at 5 o'clock.

The Rule GP2 hooks and then some! WoW! This is arguably the most hooking ball on the market today! I have never been able to play ultra deep angles until I had this one drilled up for me. I really did not have much of a choice because the ball is really aggressive! On a THS, this ball played deep inside gave me a nice arching back end with a lot of bang and crushed every pin in its path! This is an excellent piece of equipment for heavy oil, sport shots, and moderate heads with plenty of carry down. If you do not have one, I highly recommend it! This ball hits really hard and does not leave 10's all that much! Wonderful job Track! You guys really went overboard with this one!!!
What Are You Waiting For?!? Get on the FASTTRACK to success!!

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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2005, 02:53:26 AM »
I am somewhere between a tweener and stroker. The ball is 14# and has a 2" Pin. The ball is drilled 4 x 5 (pin under ring finger and MB 5" from PAP) with a weight hole on the VAL.

I have low revs and 14-16 MPH speed and don't have a lot of hand. With this ball, you don't need a lot of hand to get it to work and obtain positive results. I have never had a ball that hooked as much as the GP2. Even when I throw it too wide, it still gets back to the pocket. Pull it a bit and it holds. It never rolls out on the back-end, even when the lanes start to become too dry for it, it still continues to charge "full blast" towards the pocket. For my style, I can use it from medium oil and up. As oil becomes lighter, move left and as it becomes heavier, move right and the ball will always find it's way to the pocket. It is useable as long as there is any oil at all in the heads. I get better length with it than BTM rates it.

The only problem I have had with this ball is that I have a hard time making myself put this ball up when the lane conditions indicate to do it. I just seem to want to continue to throw it anyhow. Have thought about getting a second one and polish it and I still may, but want to throw the Xception 5.0 first before making that decision.
Experiencing the power of TRACK balls  
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2005, 02:45:37 PM »
15 lb., 2 oz. top weight, 2" pin.  Drilled with pin above fingers, slightly to the right of the bridge.  5 1/4" pin to pap, 3 5/8" pap to mass bias.  Mass Bias located approximately 1" down and to the right of the thumb.  Laid out for lighter oil, lower revs, medium length, medium flare, hook & set reaction, and strong backend.

All I can say is WOW!  I have put about 10 games on the ball so far, and I would venture to say that I only really had enough oil to play this ball in 2 of those games.  I knew that I would not be throwing this ball a lot in my hometown house because the oil is on the lighter side.  The first day I got the ball, last week, I threw eight games and spent the entire time moving left searching for a way to keep this ball on the lane.  I am a tweener, and I have never been able to play over by the left gutter, but with this ball I get to pretend to be a cranker.  So, this has been a real learning experience for me.  I had a good idea of how the ball played after that, so I gave it another go last night and threw a 240 first game...Ball was very forgiving, held line well, came back when too wide...gave me about a 5 board hold area...nice.  Ball was carrying great when it wasn't burning up...keeps pins rolling around on the deck and tripping out leftovers on bad balls.  By the second game I had already blown a hole in the pattern and had to put the ball away.  

This ball is easily the strongest ball I have ever thrown.  It had my partner with his Ultimate Inferno very jealous.  This ball revs up slow, then gets faster in the midlane where it starts to make a big arc.  Then about halfway through the arc it hits the backend and flips left HARD.  One of the more impressive reactions I have seen.  The ball is about 10 boards stronger than my Big Time, and IS NOT your typical big arcing particle.  Can't wait to get a chance to play on conditions that match up better with this ball.  I will update this post and let everyone know how the ball works out after I throw it some more.

"I throw ball, pins fall down!"
F.O.S. Member
"Viva la Resistance!"


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2005, 12:47:37 AM »
Ball: My Rule GP2 has the pin 5" from my PAP, MB 4.375" from my PAP.  Pin is 4.25" above the midline, and it has an extra hole 1.25" from my PAP, in a 1:30 position, drilled with a 29/32" bit 1.75" deep.  Ball was left in box finish.

With this layout, this ball will cover any pattern that is long or heavy in nature.  I have a 2nd GP2 that I'm looking to drill stronger for extreme oil (which I will add info on in an edit), but this one covers heavy amounts of oil with ease.  I currently use it on the two longer PBA patterns (#3 and #5).

The carry is extremely good for a dull particle ball; I was VERY impressed.  It has a decently strong breakpoint, considering the amount of energy the Rule GP2 burns as it slowly arcs through the first 30-35' of the lane.  I don't use it during league play as our league shot is not nearly long enough for it, and I would rather save it for what it is intended for.  This ball is my first thought whenever I encounter a longer or heavier pattern, and it's one of the few balls that I look forward to having a need for throwing.  Definitely a winner!

Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member


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Re: Rule GP2
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2005, 01:11:12 PM »
Weight: 16 lb
Pin: 3-4"
Top Weight: 2.5 oz.

This ball rules.  I threw it last night in a league and managed to run up 11 in a row.  Should have been a 300 except for it left a pocket 7-10 in the first frame.  I am in love with this ball.  While everything else in my aresnal dies when it reaches the pockets, this ball hit like a freaking freight train with lots of pin action.