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Author Topic: Silencer  (Read 17468 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

The Silencer features Track's "Modified Ringed Core 2 Technology" with
their state of the art "ProTraction Plus" cover stock. The ball, with a
hook rating of 20, has more mid-lane hook than the Assassin and a stronger
flip than the Enforcer does.

The specifications are:
BALL CONSTRUCTION: Multiple-Density Four-Piece;
HOOK RATING: 20 (On Track's Ball Reaction Chart);
CORE DESIGN: Modified Ringed Core 2 Technology;
COVERSTOCK: ProTraction Plus;
COLOR: Blue and Black Swirled;
FINISH: Sheen;
PIN PLACEMENT: 0-5 inches;
HARDNESS: 76-78;
"Modified Ringed Core 2 Technology," 12-13 lbs.
Core 2 Technology, 10-11 lbs.
traditional pancake core.



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Re: Silencer
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Sorry Pin Crusher but the Silencer has been received by all pro shops involved in the Track 100 club. These pro shop owners receive a ball weeks before the ball is offered to the general public. I test some of these balls for my local pro shop. I will be testing the Silencer this weekend. I will post my review next week after I test in at least four houses. I've been using and researching Track products exclusively four the last five years and I'm looking forward to this new hook monster although I wish they would reinvent the old Hot Coral Triton or something that goes as long for those of us that bowl long tournaments with late dry squads. Unfortunately making these types of balls don't pay the rent.


Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Silencer
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Last night I drilled a Track Silencer for Willie Willis.  I placed the pin and cg in a stacked position 5 1/2" from the bowler's axis. The pin was directly underneath the ringer finger.  I used 2000 degree polish and lightly when over the surface.  

He used this ball on first shift condition with heavy oil in the middle, down to light oil on the gutter.  I watched Mr. Willis throw several shots, he stood beside the ball return and laid the ball down around 17 sending it to 10 at about 40 feet and this ball just trucked back to the hole, ripping the rack.  A few shots that went right of target were able to get around the corner and destroy the pocket.

Compared to the Enforcer, the Silencer skids further down the lane, give great midlane roll and keep driving on the backend.  The Enforcer starts roll early on the lane.  So if you want something that get further down the lane than the Enforcer, but give you as much hook, put this ball in your ball.  This is another strong addition to the Track line of balls and I am sure this wil be a huge hit out on tour when the heavy oil comes out.

If you have any questions, please email me at


"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Track has definetly done it again.  This ball starts up and reads the midlane very well, then justs continue to roll right through the pins.( I used tracks drilling the #3).  Every time I think Track has out done themselves with their previous ball, they come out with another great ball like this.  I can't wait to get my stomp black and gold.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
This ball is ok to use. It does hit hard. But I think the enforcer and assassin are tracks better ball. But it maybe the way I drill it up. I sit trying to get to work by changing the surface


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
It's really a shame that people write reviews on balls just for the sake of bashing a company that may not be their favorite. You have to understand the characteristics of a ball company and their equipment before you make some comments intelligently. Okay, enough of that stuff and on to the review.

As always with Track equipment, this ball hits hard. It is the perfect compliment to the Assassin and the Enforcer. I use all of these balls polished for medium oil conditions and more control when the lanes have some dry outside or on the back end. I drilled my Silencer based on Tracks drilling sheet "Label (5 x 5)". The ball gets through the heads clean rolls up nice and soft in the mid lane and drives through the pocket with reckless abandon. About the only thing this ball leaves on the lane is the solid nine. I will comment further after a few more weeks of use on different conditions in different houses.

Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I've finally had a chance to throw this ball in another house. The lanes were synthetic with 35 units of oil from 5 to 5 and 8 units outside of that. The oil ran down the lane for 40 feet, which created a really smooth roll on the backend. With the dry outside you had allot of room to miss. To say the least the lanes were easy. The only challenge was finding a ball and release that would not drive to hard on the backend and keep from leaving ten pins. With the Silencer and a release coming up the back of the ball I had no problem carrying the ten pin. This ball makes a strong readable move on the backend and keeps you control of your breakpoint. I posted a review a week or two ago that described how the ball was set up in case anyone was wondering. By the way, my series tonight went like this, 257, 229, 300. This ball is a perfect compliment to my Assassin and I can't wait to throw it again. Thanks for reading.
Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Silencer
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Well, with all the talk from both sides about this ball, I think the Silencer is yet another success from Track, Inc.  This ball, in my opinion, has slightly more length AND hook than the Enforcer, and it does beat out the Assassin in the midlane.  Drilled 3 3/8" X 5" (identical to my Assassin), I sheened my Silencer to nearly 400 grit to handle a "flat" oil pattern, and it greatly enhanced the strong midlane and backend pop.  On a "top hat", I needed more area because of the sharp angle and roll-out when it hit the drier outside boards. I also used this ball in the PBA Regional tourney at Varsity Lanes in Bowling Green, OH, and the Silencer maintained its strong overall reaction in oil.  It did take a little tweaking to get the right set-up and desired reaction, but I got the job done.  Thanks again, Track, and keep up the good work!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: Silencer
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I finally figure out this ball. I just had to change hand postion i used compare to the enforcer. This ball does make the turn and get it roll like the say it does. So now I have three good drill patterns with the enforcer, assassin and silcencer. So I can't wait to see what track brings out next. Track becoming the only ball company I throw.

Brenton Davy

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Re: Silencer
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2001, 04:32:19 AM »
Me:  Lefty, 18mph ball speed, forward roll and low to medium revs

Ball: Silencer 4" Pin 3 1/2oz top weight

Drill Spec: 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 rev leverage, 3/4oz + side weight, 1/4oz thumb weight 1/2oz top weight.  Weight hole 2" past cg in line with pin.

I set this ball up to go early on oil and arc in the hole.  On 40 feet gutter to gutter with a good backend on synthetics (HPL900) the ball did as required, driving strongly, even as carry down kicked in.  Indeed the carry improved as the backend mellowed and the drive to the hole was tamed.  The 1/2 pocket hits were outstanding and the flush hits sent 10 straight back.

This ball stored energy better than I expected from a dull particle ball and on the fresh backend drove, if anything, a little too hard leaving some ringing 8's and 9's.  

I would recommend this ball for those who are having trouble on carrydown, popping out the corners.  More controllable than similar balls (eg HP-H) but no less strong.

If you have any questions about Track equipment, please don't hesitate to e-mail me on  I am a member of Team Track 2001 (amateur) and am available to answer any questions about this or any other Track equipment.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2001, 01:22:02 PM »
Hi! Drilled up my silencer 12:00 with the pin on top of my ring finger. Wow! this ball could move! I used it on a fresh shot and saw a lot of trip 4's and messengers all around. When the lanes carried down, just moved to the right and tightened up the line a bit. Still worked! Moved better than my assasin!


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2001, 03:59:00 PM »
righty, 17mph med revs (~16). pin just under, and to the right of ring finger, cg/mass bias directly beneath pin

i've had this ball since about december.  i shined it up a bit to get a little extra length.

this ball needs oil in the front otherwise it'll die on its ass.

on the other hand however, if oil is present, and its fairly even, then this ball is a winner.  ive noticed on a couple of occasions bowling on a block that this ball can over-react to the dry.

but all in all, this ball is very even, very arcy.  it is prolly stronger than you may think b/c it starts to move early, and in a very smooth way.

a very good ball on lots of oil, evenly distributed. - not so good on the extremes.

There's going to be a real Ding-Dong when the bell goes!


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2001, 04:59:17 PM »
first of all, i havent had much success with track bowling balls
check my PROFILE and if you think you are similiar to my style,
i wouldn't recomend this ball, but if you are higher ball speed
and more rev player, go for it
anyways, the silencer is a bad name for this ball, there is nothing
silent when this ball hits flush in the pocket, the ball has dynamic
hitting power with pretty good carry, this ball is very versatile also,
i can throw out or straight down the outside 5 boards and keep a have
a good hit
on the other hand, the ball lacks consistancy, predictability.  i had
nearby proshop employees watch and try to help with these 2 problems,
but nothing worked, even had the ball drilled and plugged twice.  the
ball would break alot 1 time but the very next ball would be totally
opposite, this problem influenced the predictability because nothing
was ever the same
the ball has good length(wasn't expected) and a strong backend(just
like track proclaimed).
Adventurous?  is so go for it


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2001, 11:07:41 AM »
I bought this ball to combat the increasingly soaked conditions at my house, which installed synthetics last year
and seems determined to impose "sport-like" conditions on my first-shift, relatively non-competitive league.
I had the ball drilled label leverage.  My speed is medium and I'm a down and in stroker.  I found the Silencer to be just
the antidote needed for a flood.  In the past I've played well during the first game with various balls (Messenger Ti, Eraser,
Powerbolt) but when the carry-down hit, normally at the start of the second game, it became a guessing game about speed
and placement of the ball, and frequently I was over/under.  I've used the Silencer for the entire set the last few weeks, and found
it a hard arcing ball with a very predictable read and a hard carry (pin stay low).  I'll get my Vortex III resurfaced one of these
days, since it was a ball with a similar reaction, but for now, the Silencer is my #1!

Mr Revs

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Re: Silencer
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2001, 04:46:54 PM »
younger high rev right hander. Junior bowler, been bowling for 7 years. Drilled this up around the time I drilled up my Assasin and Stomp Black Gold. I mainly use Track, so that is where my comparrisons will stay. The Silencers that my friends drilled up were for early roll, and they were not satisfied. So I drilleed mine for maximum lenght, and backend. When it hit, it H>I>T. Maybe 1 or 2 raps a game but it is solid in the pocket. I did not polish it up to much because it did not move like the Stomp, but it does move a little more than Assasin.