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Author Topic: Silencer  (Read 17461 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Silencer features Track's "Modified Ringed Core 2 Technology" with
their state of the art "ProTraction Plus" cover stock. The ball, with a
hook rating of 20, has more mid-lane hook than the Assassin and a stronger
flip than the Enforcer does.

The specifications are:
BALL CONSTRUCTION: Multiple-Density Four-Piece;
HOOK RATING: 20 (On Track's Ball Reaction Chart);
CORE DESIGN: Modified Ringed Core 2 Technology;
COVERSTOCK: ProTraction Plus;
COLOR: Blue and Black Swirled;
FINISH: Sheen;
PIN PLACEMENT: 0-5 inches;
HARDNESS: 76-78;
"Modified Ringed Core 2 Technology," 12-13 lbs.
Core 2 Technology, 10-11 lbs.
traditional pancake core.



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Re: Silencer
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2002, 03:35:35 PM »
Drilled Pin in center cg kicked out with extra hole, ending 1/2 positive.

Can you say DUD! I can!

Silencer is an appropriate name, hits quiet, like jello which makes no sounds even when you jiggle it. you stay SILENCEd, nothing to cheer about. your team mates want to SILENCE you for using this ball.

Hopefully, I can stand carrying this 16 lb boat anchor to another house and maybe find a long lost condition that this ball was made for.

Conclusion: stanky movement (I have decent revs and usually like this drilling so please don't think its the drilling pattern), stanky hit, stanky stanky.  I like the color though, sigh.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Silencer
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2002, 10:39:06 PM »
I bowled a 300 with this ball when I first got it about a year ago, but have not thrown much else with it. I like the reaction, and it hits well, but I like how the Assassin gets down the lane better. I give this ball a 7 out of 10 and only this high because of the 300.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2002, 02:05:24 AM »
Excuse me for my mumbling, I am trying to take my foot out of my mouth.  Found out that I was trying to use this ball the same way I used my 'good stuff'.  This ball won't do the hook hard and hit hard but instead it does a roll hard and hit HARD HARD.  The ball NEEDS head oil, needs it, did I mention it needs head oil, oh yeah I did, sorry.  Well anyway, it needs head oil.  When I need to throw it end over end, I consider the Silencer too, good hit good carry.  

Beware, this ball will ocassionally hit funny, not the haha but the boohoo kind, I won't buy another one, but it is now in the last few weeks of league play, our team is in the running for first and I have this secret weapon in the bag.

I won't be SILENCED!  buy government bonds...peep


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2002, 02:36:53 AM »
I was very disappointed by this ball.  I had it drilled very strong (3 3/8 x 4), CG about 1" out with an X hole.  From what I heard about this ball I thought it was supposed to have monster hook and hit like a truck.

I didn't see either one.  The ball skids very long on a fresh 38 foot pattern with clean backends.  It had trouble making it back to the pocket on more than one occasion.  After finally finding a line I could make it back to the pocket with, it hit like a cream puff.  I throw 18-19 MPH, med-high rev and it looked like an 8 lb. ball hitting the pins.  I left multiple 8-10's, 5-7's and an unimaginable number of pocket 10's.

I'm not quite sure if its the four piece core or the coverstock, but this has to be the worst $140 I have ever spent.  I give it a 2 out or 10, and that is being very generous.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2002, 02:41:15 PM »
I've had this ball for a while now, but it has very few games on it as I rarely find enough oil to toss it. I left it dull,and plan to keep it that way for an oiler.

When I do run into heavier oil, especially longer this ball is a monster for me. All the recovery from the right you could ever want. Left a little it will hold for while but eventually it is going to hook left hard. If it holds long enough, it will have plenty of power to slam the pocket. The ball hits extremely hard, and rarely leave 10 pins, solid 8, 9s are almost as frequent. It snaps extremely hard on the back end. If the oil is not long enough, or not heavy enough I cannot use this ball, but it is a blast to toss on the right condition. Even on oil I have to keep the ball speed up and stay aggressive with it.

The ball is drilled about 5x5, with a long pin out. Maybe the longer pin gives the ball such a dynamic reaction? Some of the other reviews said the ball didn't move much and hit hard, but this is probably by far the biggest hooking and hardest hitting ball I have ever thrown.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2002, 03:03:53 AM »
I've had this ball for 2yrs now and I have to totally disagree with the  last couple of post.  When I first got the ball teams we played against in league would pick up this ball after I shot and ask "Is this thing legal?".  It does need head oil but I have been able to play many lines with it and CRUSH the pocket.  I simply loft the ball when the heads dry up.  It's 15lbs 2.5 Oz and is drilled with the pin below the ring finger at 12 o'clock. Goes long and turns sharply. Never had it hit soft on me.  I've won money with this ball at every tournament I went to.  So maybe it's me but the balls stills hooks and is very controllable.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2003, 09:19:12 AM »

I am a stroker with normal revs and about 23 km/h.

When I got this ball I was about 15 years old. My speed at that point was about 21 km/h. This ball as good for me. It hooked most, most action. I loved this ball. it was a 13 pounder.

As my hand grew, I bought other balls and put the Silencer away.

A month ago i gave this ball another try; drilled it the way I have my balls now ( 3,5 years later ). It still was 13 pound, but who cares. 3,5 years ago I could strike with it, so why wouldn't I now?!?!

*Till so far the happy side of the story*

I resurfaced the ball @ 320 gritt sandpaper. Wrong choice. The ball just rolls, half the lane it snaps and then rolls dead to the pins.. Well ok, my bad..

Now I changed it to high polish. Now the ball only slides on wet laned. I can understand that ( polish ). So I used it on "medium" lanes ( till about 38 foot ). The ball hooks very controlable, so i had a lot of pocket hits with it. BUT: Somehow the ball lost all his action. No carry at all. Lots of 8-10 splits. When you have 8-10 splits with a ball, the ball needs to get thrown away, and fast!!

So now I don't use it anymore, though when i bought it, it was an excellent ball.

-Reporting from The Netherlands,
Reporting from The netherlands


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2004, 03:10:37 PM »
Got the ball as a gift a few months ago. Pin is under my ring finger. OK I normally dont throw nothing except storm but I like this ball when there is oil. It snaps hard but It snaps just a little early for me. I average about 170 which sucks for me a I have shot about 20 200 games in 2 months. But when the lanes start to break down you better get something else out. Rating 9 out of 10.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2005, 12:45:33 AM »
Ok i got this ball awile ago and for awile i loved it and always threw it. But as time went on it felt worse and worse in my hand and then finally i threw it in the closet. Well about 3 weeks ago i got the ball back out and took it to the pro shop and had a new thumb slug in it and drilled. Well this was one of the smartest things i hav done beacuse now that i have this ball with me and throwin it good.. its a beast. i put medium to high revs and this ball works great. it gets down the lane and doesnt hook up early and if you get this ball in oil it can still recover. i used this in the city tournament this weekend and threw this ball and with it i won the tournament for my age (15) with a 279 ( solid 9 in the 9th) 220 and 232 for a 731. This ball has great roll and overall a great ball.


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Re: Silencer
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2008, 11:29:26 AM »
This ball is Ok so far.  I bought it on ebay and redrilled it.  I went a little small on the offset thumb hole so I wasn't getting in far enough.  As far as this coming back hard, I played on a very heavy oil last Friday and it's reaction consistant, but not spectacular.  I turned up the revs and it started to hit hard with a consistant arc, but I need a more forgiving ball like the Jolt.