Hey Guys and Gals,
I get a chance to review a free ball I won from the Track Ball-A-Day Giveaway, the Solution Power Plus EX. I have to admit, after putting some games on it, I am very impressed with it.
Solution Power Plus EX
Weight: 15 lbs. 4 oz.
Top Weight: 3 oz.
Pin: 2"
Surface: OOB
Layout: 5 1/2" pin above middle finger(right side of the middle finger), CG slightly right of grip center
Lane Conditions bowled on: Fresh THS, broken down 2nd shift THS, and THS with carrydown
I was very surprised I won the giveaway, so I chose something that would work on the drier conditions I see in leagues, both 4 and 5 man teams. I wanted this ball to skid at least 40 feet b4 making its turn, with a signature flip that this ball is known for. I left it in OOB surface, b/c it was polished already and it doesn't need to be modified.
Right out of the box, I was very pleased to see the reaction of the EX. It gave me exactly what I was looking for and then some. On the fresh, it comes off the dry well and holds if tugged in the oil line. On the broken down condition, I moved in and chased the oil line with sucess, but had to keep it on line, b/c the margin for error got slimmer b/c of the carrydown. On the carrydown, I couldn't really bowl with consistency b/c of the too strong off dry/sails too much in the oil pattern. Overall, the shape of the reaction on this ball is a good flip on the backend, with excellent length.
Performance Grades:
Heavy oil: There is the condition to use something stronger than the EX here, something like a Robo Rule, Mean Machine, or Machine. I would have to play an extremely tight line to have any success with this ball on this type of oil pattern.
Grade: D-Medium oil: The typical house shot is usually this type of pattern, if not Medium-Dry. On this particular pattern, it can be used as a 1st game ball, but I experienced a lot of wall shot strikes due to the nature of the pattern. I noticed immediately that the ball hold in the oil line, but snap off the dry outside 10. Good ball for this shot, but I know I could use something else, like either my Artillery or Reactive.
Grade: B+Medium-Dry oil: On this condition, this ball shined for me. The EX gave forgiveness in the oil, but came back strong off the dry. After game 1 in league, this ball is a charm for the shot as it drys up on the outside. I can swing it well and not have to worry about whether or not it will comeback. This is what Track made this ball for...and they achieved it for my game as well.
Grade: A+Dry lanes: This is where I draw the line with the EX, b/c the cover is just a pinch too strong for the drier lanes I see in later games. I know my Magic works better than the EX on the desert, but I could use this ball if I chose to. But I know I would have to be very careful with how I play my shots, b/c the ball is extremely jumpy for me.
Grade: BCarrydown shots: By no means does the EX like carrydown, at least for me. It sails once it hits the "Slick 50" out there, and will not hook in the oil that much. The Artillery, Phenom Unleashed, Reactive, or Delta 1 would do better than this ball on carrydown.
Grade: C-Compared with the Arsenal Artillery:
The Artillery hooks sooner, and is at least 3 boards of separation b/w the EX and the AA. These two compliment each other well, and are mainstays in the bag, b/c of the drier conditions out there. I just like the fact that both of these are pearls and have good coverstocks on them(Goo LS for the AA, and Power EX for the EX). Due to the core differences and covers, the Artillery is much better in Game 1 than the EX.
Overall: The EX filled the specifics of what I was looking for in league, and I am very thankful for it. If you have a problem with the drier stuff out there, find the Solution to your striking problem with the Solution PP EX. Remember, this ball can't be used in everything, just remember that the EX is better suited to the drier stuff in games 2 and 3 of league if and or tourneys. Track has produced an underrated ball that goes unnoticed and fills a niche in my arsenal that was lacking for the longest.....Thanks to Del for taking over Track, b/c you just can't be that!
Grade: AGod Bless You All and Thanks for reading this review!
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Take the FastTRACK to victory with Track bowling balls....no doubt the fastest, most hardhitting speedsters on the road!
Track....you just can't beat that!
Name: Michael Bradford
Nickname: "The Rookie"
Ball Reaction: "99% Ball, 1% Bradford" - Evolution Tag Team Member #3 Dain Stewart, "The Beast"
"98% Ball, 2% Bradford"- Evolution Tag Team Member #1 "The Franchise" Michael Price after witnessing "The Rookie" shoot 650 on May 28th, 2006 with his Rule Delta 1

"95% Ball, 5% Bradford"- Evolution Tag Team Member #5 "ThaGin" Willie Turner after seeing "The Rookie" get the front 10 for 286 on 6/25/2006 with the Arsenal Artillery
Evolution Tag Team Member #2 since 1/06