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Author Topic: Temper  (Read 11264 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Cover Stock: MP GEN1
Core: Legion
Finish: 2000 Grit Abralon Sanded and Polished
Color: Red/Black All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Reaction: Skid/Flip
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil
Description: Temper is sure to cause a fuss. With the legion core shape and our new MP Gen 1 veneer, it performs best when you need a clean entry through the front with angularity on the back end. Temper comes 2000 grit Abralon sanded and polished surface with Powerhouse Factory Finish. This makes for a great combination of control with raw power. The Temper has all of the qualities to be a winner and have your competition throwing a tantrum.


Billy Ray

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Re: Temper
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 02:19:07 PM »
OK since nobody else has posted anything yet here is my $.02

I drilled two Tempers so far:

#1 Pin 4" under ring finger, MB(strong, No hole. scuffed with 4000 abralon.

This is my start the night ball on the fresh. It starts up nicely in the mids and makes a very nice strong arc to the pocket. Nothing flashy but it strikes alot when I make shots.(DUH!) I love the control of the ball and the easy read this gives me on the fresh. It's very easily one of the most controllable, readable balls I have drilled in a long time.

#2 Pin 4 1/2" from PAP, MB 3 1/2" from PAP with Large hole on axis. OOB Finish.
I use this ball when I need something to get through the headsbut still get going in the mids and still get through the carry down on the back. Like I have said before my THS is not typical and has a longer higher volume of oil than most people. I am struggling this year with the equipment selections with no real oiler out yet. But making do with what I have this ball is #2 out of the bag the other Temper is the fresh ball #1 out of the bag.

From these two I go to one of the other 3 Kinetics to create area if there is any to be had or created. My league house is newly resurfaced wood and the heads, although oiled well, still haven't calmed down so anything with surface reads the heads texture too soon and doesn't get around the corner. Usually once the brigade of thumbers have blown open the track (no pun intended) the Kinetics come into full force.

Billy Ray
Track Pro Staff
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Billy Ray
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Owner Rays Pro Shop
Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"

Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Temper
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 07:00:35 AM »
Layout - PIN 4 9/16" underbridge - MB 6 1/2" ( all from PAP)

Surface - Box

The reaction this ball is very roll specific. If you stay behind this ball it will be smooth and have a great strong arc. If you get around this ball it will skid and then at the first sign of friction a hard left turn is made. I love this ball because of the overall reactions you can get out of this ball.
Rateng 10

This ball is a great benchmark ball for almost everyone. If you get around the ball more I say take the polish off and give it a smooth finish. Doing this will help take away from the hard snap. I feel that right now in my arsenal this ball is the benchmark ball I have been looking for.
Rating 10

I think that this ball is a big time sleeper. I have a feeling that when sanded to a lower grit this ball can handle its fair share amount of oil. I dont think that is was at all ment for it but the versatility of this ball is completly amazing.
Rating 10

This ball flat out hits. Most balls on the market today hit. However not everyball gives the ideal strong hit that keeps the pins low and lets you carry. Out of the 6 games I have bowled with this ball. When I have been in the pocket at all (High, High Flush, Flush, Light, Wall) I have only left 2 ten pins. That happen tonight however the hit of this ball is so strong and ideal. I give it the on comment I can think of that will tell how well it hits. This ball hits as well as the Animal. If you guys liked the hit from the Animal get this ball.
Rating 10

Overall comments
I completly love this ball. I want another one but drilled stronger and without the polish. I find this ball to be a great ball. I do however think to many people are going to pass on this ball. I say dont wait, this ball is the sleeper of the year.
Rating 10

Overall rating
10 for reaction
10 for readabilty
10 for versatilitay
10 for hit
10 for overall comments
Final rating - 10

Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

Finishing THS book ave: 200
Finishing PBA Experence ave: 176
Finishing Composit ave: 194


Tag Team Coaching Success Story.
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
Bowling Ball Driller


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Re: Temper
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 08:23:44 PM »
Just purchased this ball and it is great!!!    This is my second ball I have purchased since getting back into bowling.  What has amazed me about this ball is if you hit the pocket  or anywhere around the pocket/brooklyn you strike just about everytime.   My avg was 165 with my previous ball..With this in  league games so far I am avg 181.  

The lanes I bowl on are med/heavy oil.  When I first purchased the ball the pro told me that if it didn't hook enough to have the finish taken off.  I would definitely suggest that as it did not hook very much until I did that.

I am going to purchase another to have when I bowl in tourneys at other alleys that have less oil. Or to use later in the night after the oil is broken down some.

I have a hammer and this is flat out a better ball.  Again I have only been bowling for the last year and I am by no means an expert.  But for the price of this ball and how it performs I can't imagine a better ball out there.


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Re: Temper
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2007, 01:49:26 AM »
Track Temper Review

What Track says about this ball:
Temper is sure to cause a fuss. With the Legion core shape and our new MP Gen I veneer, it performs best when you need a clean entry through the front with angularity on the back end. The Temper comes 2000 grit Abralon sanded and polished surface with Powerhouse Factory Finish. This makes for a great combination of control with raw power. The Temper has all of the qualities to be a winner and have your competition throwing a tantrum.

What we say about this ball:

The Track Temper is one of the best bowling balls for the price. If you are looking for a great ball for league play conditions, then the Track Temper will fill your needs.

Our testing of the Track Temper provided us with some of the most fun that we have had in testing a new market entry. From the very first game, our Temper slid through the heads with ease and gave us a strong angular backend look.

The hit and pin carry was phenomenal! The Temper threw pins across the deck, carrying strike after strike.  That’s not something I see very much of, due to my higher ball speed and lower rev rate.

The Temper matched up very well to our typical league house shot. I believe this is one of those balls that you could easily keep in play the whole night.  For those of you who want a lot of hit for the price -- the Temper will fill your needs.

Those of you who bowl in tournaments and PBA experience leagues will need this ball in your bag for those light oil lane conditions (i.e. when you need the ball to get good length before making its move). Our Temper was very release friendly. We were able to change hand positions and use different lines to the pocket and still keep the ball in play with a controlled reaction. After about six games, our Temper showed no sign of burning up and had no loss of hit or carry.

I want everyone who reads this review to understand that a versatile ball like this does not stay around unless Track is selling enough of them to keep it in their lineup.  Too many great balls have come and gone because they were overlooked and did not create enough interest.

We are highly recommending this ball to all of our pro shop customers, especially for typical league play conditions.  This is a ball that has many looks and can fit in anyone’s arsenal. Don’t miss out on this great performer!

If you have any questions about this review or need more information about our testing of this ball, you can email me or call our pro shop.




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Re: Temper
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2007, 09:47:46 AM »
This is my first outing with Track since the Arsenal Angular. I am very impressed with this ball. I drilled it with the pin above the fingers and the mb about an inch to the right of my thumb. It gets excellent length with a nice,smooth turn in the backend. It allows me to play up the gutter all night long. The carry is fantastic. Lots of pin action and messengers. I can see some big scores being had with the Temper.

river rat

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Re: Temper
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 03:43:19 PM »
Picked this ball up six weeks ago. Got it drilled to fit my hand. It does have the extra little hole on the side. Place I bought it from had a pro on staff who watched me bowl. After watching me, the pro talked to the driller guy who in turn recommended this ball. I had heard of Track bowling balls but did not know about the Temper. Guy drilled it up and they watched me bowl again. He dulled it down a little bit so it would have more backend action. The ball weighs 15 pounds. My average for the six weeks is 213. I have raised my overall average 5 pins from 196 to 201. Biggest adjustment has been spare shooting. Ball does snap at the end which has caused me to line up differently then I am used to. High series is 701 with it. I do like the ball a lot. I play down and in and this baby will snap back to the pocket if I am a little off. Bowling is fun again.


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Re: Temper
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2008, 06:34:40 PM »
The sleeper hit from 2007.

I tried a Temper when they were first released with a 3 3/8" pin to PAP and a 90 degree Mass Bias; we'll call this "Temper #1".  The Temper that I am reviewing now is drilled with a 4" pin to PAP, a 45 degree Mass Bias and a 27/32 weighthole on the VAL 2 1/2" below the PAP to almost max out the flare potential of this ball.  We will call this one Temper #2.

I have used Temper #2 exclusively in a house with Brunswick Proanvilane.  The patterns used on were PBA Viper, USBC Open, Shark, and the house pattern with a few hours of open play on them.  Temper #1 was only used on a few different THS patterns.

On Temper #1 I tried to mimmick a reaction I had in one of my favorite Classic Zones and I missed it completely.  The ball was suprisingly clean with a 3 3/8ths pin to axis, but lacked the hitting power I desired.  That left alot of flat corners.  I sold off that Temper and tried Temper #2 with much different results.  

I was advised by a Track rep to drill the Temper stronger than you normally would for the layout you desired and keep the factory finish on the ball.  What I wanted was a strong arc that didn't puke at the pins.  Temper #2 came through perfect for that.  The factory surface on the Temper coasts up the lane like plastic, but the move this thing makes at 40 feet is phenominal.  I heard alot of people talk about the skid/flip power out of the Kinetic, the Temper would be sure to suprise you if you think that ball was backend strong.  The Temper revs off the hand very easy as a low RG ball should, but somehow stores alot of energy to make a violent change of direction down the lane.  Very impressive.  

Temper #2 just may be the most controllable skid/flip ball I've ever thrown.  It reads the midlane very well, but is suprisingly angular.  It reminds me of the Intense Inferno with the ability to continue much better.  I've been able to let loose on the USBC Open pattern playing the Temper direct in the track area of the lane and have been able to make the pattern "feel" down right easy.  I'm almost upset I'm not attending ABQ this year for the USBC Open.  I think the Temper is an excellent match to patterns that minimize your margin of error in the heads.  It stays very straight for the first 30-35 feet and morphs into a reaction you really wouldn't expect from the look up front.  When this ball changes direction, it comes quick and doesn't stop in carrydown.  This makes the Temper an excellent choice for not only opening up the lane, but for playing longer patterns as well when you're relying on the last 10-15 feet of dry backends to give you all of your hook.  The Temper really delivers and seems to open up tighter lane conditions.

Some balls just seem to "give you the world" when the condition is a tad demanding.  The Temper will be that ball for alot of different styles, especially the heavy handed player.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD


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Re: Temper
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2008, 12:01:58 AM »
i decided to drop back down in weight after shoulder issues came back but this is my first track ball i ever owned but decided to give it a try got a great deal on it and the K.E. and i must honestly say that the first impression of this ball is great. drilled off the sheet pin over cg out with a balance hole. this ball clears the heads very easy and has a nice strong move to the pocket no overly angular but a strong move it tripped the 10 pin out very good first 6 games with this ball 240,197,288,300,198,211 had to move lanes doo to distributor going out after the 4th game this ball should have a solid spot in my bag when the lanes get beat up i fell this ball will do great


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Re: Temper
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2010, 06:09:27 PM »
This ball is great in the oil! This ball help me get my highest league average in a house known for its oily conditions! This ball is very powerful! The pocket shots hardly ever leave a pin standing! When the lanes break down, this ball goes back in my bag due to the over reaction. I would like to try more Track products down the line.
Matthew Binkley
Avid father, bowler, fisherman and golfer.