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Author Topic: Threat  (Read 18209 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Hook Rating: (Dull-Polished) 27-20

Length (1-10): 7

Backend (1-10): 6.5

Core Technology: Modified TRICORE Technology

Core Power Rating (1-10): 7

Radius of Gyration: 2.50

Differential: .042

Coverstock: WOW 2 Pearl

Color: Purple/Silver/Black Multicolor

Friction Rating (1-10): 7

Factory Finish: Polished

Recommended Polish: Track Magic - Clean N Polish

Reaction Shape: Strong Arc

Lane Condition: Medium

Available Weights: 14-16 lbs. TRICORE Technology, 12-13 lbs. Core2 Technology



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Re: Threat
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2003, 05:12:58 PM »
Profile:  17-18 mph, high track, 500 rpm
Ball:  16 pounds, 2.5 to 3 inch pin, ??? top weight

I have this ball drilled right over the label.  Pin above and centered between the fingers, cg in the center of the grip.  Not as versatile as I hoped it would be.  Granted, it is particle, but I thought since it is a pearl, that it would work a little better than it does when playing in the middle of the lane.  Have not had the chance to play up the boards with it, but when I play between 20-25 at the arrows and play a fade towards 10, the ball will not come around and hit like most other pearls.  I had a Rock On which is a high load particle ball, and it worked better than the Threat does from the middle to deep inside.  The Threat lays off and leaves alot of flat 10 pins.  The ball hits like a ball does when it quits.  I get no pin action off the walls.  I have tried to polish it with Storm Extra Shine and even down to Storm 3 polish to get the ball to conserve a little energy for the back end, but have had little to no success.  It has the hit and carry of a 14 pound ball.  Not saying the ball is a piece of junk.  I am hoping that maybe it is just the layout.  I have a Triton Heat which shares the same core as the Threat, and it hits much harder and carries much better than the Threat does.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
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Re: Threat
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2003, 02:39:36 PM »
Ball: 15#, 3" pin, bought slightly used from user JKiser01.
Drill: Pin under ring(RH) cg swung out 3" from center of grip.

First time throwing this ball was on a light sport pattern. 40', med/light in the middle of the lane, tapered to about 5. Spotty backends. This ball is too much for light patterns. I was able to play a comfortable shot with it, but this ball flies. Started by throwing my comfort zone: Stand on 25, shoot over 15 out to 8. Way too much angle to play this line, the ball revved up at 38-40' and hard left turn on the nose. I needed only to move my feet 2 boards left and was able to swing the ball over the same line. The movement is sharp and smooth at the same time. The hit is like nothing I have ever seen or heard. Keeps the pins low and sends messengers everywhere.

I also tried this on my normal league shot. Med/Hvy wall shot, bit of carrydown. You can use this ball on a shot like this but you will need to move right and play straight up. This coverstock will not grab well in heavier oil.

All in all, another great ball from Track. This one is my favorite thus far.
I give it a 10!!
How am I supposed to knock all 10 down with one ball?!?


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Re: Threat
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2003, 09:53:07 PM »
My threat has a 3 inch pin, low topweight and was drilled 3 5/8ths x 3 1/2 with a weighthole on my PAP.

I have about medium revolutions with a medium-high speed and this is the most aggressive drilling I've used in a ball since my old V2 Particle.  This ball gives me a very strong read in the midlane and alot of early revs but still has plenty of length to get through the heads even when there is a lack of oil.

Here is where the ball really shines though....Backend Power.  I might not have as much hand as the boomers that open up the lane but this ball combined with the layout allows me to play their same line and cover as many boards as them when I need to and since I don't hit up on the ball I don't get the extreme jerkiness on the backend.  Strong arcing all the way down.  This ball finishes excellent and is the first ball out of my bag on most Tournament conditions just to read where the oil stops because once this ball finds dry it's going left in a hard fashion.

This has to be the most versatile ball on the market due to it's ability to adapt to different drillings.  I've seen people drill these weak and have an excellent light condition ball and I've seen a few power player with Axis drills kill shots with flying backends with this ball.  This drilling I have makes it my most aggressive ball besides my Predator Purple Limited Edition.  It even outcovers the V2 Particle.  Excellent versatile piece of equipment.


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Re: Threat
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2003, 12:59:06 PM »
Before I begin, I have to wonder how in the world you can two ball manufacturers in the same complex going in completely different directions.

That being said...

15 lb
4" pin
3 1/2 TW

Drill specs:
5 X 1 (pin under bridge)
Box finish
3/4 TW

I had read about the huge backends this ball has, so I wanted to tame it down a bit, hence the CG swing.

I would hate to see the Threat drilled for big backends, it might jump off the lane.

I tested this on a standard Christmas tree house shot and a 36' Sport shot along with a Wicked BRT (see review...

Anyway, I looooove this ball, long and smooth with a sweeping backend that comes back from angles I never thought a ball made in San Antonio could.  On the house shot, I could get in as deep as the surface would allow and bank it off the dry like a boomerang.  On the Sport shot, it was an excellent complement to the Wicked BRT going 2-3' farther and coming in at a much sharper angle.  

The Threat handles hand position changes well and is a big performer on anything from medium/dry to medium/heavy.  I haven't tried it on dry, but I can see it doing well on the deeper angles, as well.

I really, really like this ball.  League bowlers will love it for an all-around.  Tournament bowlers will use it on fresh mediums and midway/late into a block.

If you've got really slick heads, I would recommend a control drill to eliminate a flippy reaction.  Even with a control drill, this is a big ball that hits like a ton.

P.S. Somebody from Track needs to help the guys over at Columbia with their particles.
Mongo the UnLefty

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Mr Track

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Re: Threat
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2003, 04:02:06 PM »
plain and simple...

i love the length, the control, and the reaction of both the backend and the pins...

i drilled this for my go-to ball for carrydown..

amazing resaults, but i find that this ball hits a little soft if playing up 5...

18-15 is my golden line with this ball..

AMAZING ball made by Track!
Tweeners do it best!


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Re: Threat
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2003, 09:15:53 PM »
Got mine used from Mike D'Ambrosio in Rockville Center, NY. 15# w/5"pin. has over 200+ games. Drilled pin above bridge(X drilling Mike called it. Well this ball still has life. Coated with Doc's Elixir then some Track polish and baby the pins go BOOOOMMMM!!!!! Very hard turn on the backend. Sensitive to entry angles and speed. Too much entry angle and you get the ring dime every time. But I can live with that... Should have bought one new. Oh well I hope he can find me another(Mike is on Tracks staff). This is my first Track ball since the Green Synergy solid.... hmmm, I wonder if he finished with his Mutant?
We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
Keith Cordy
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Re: Threat
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2003, 02:48:31 AM »
picked me up my 2nd one of these, and this time, no messing with the surface...kept mine box.  it's a 2nd, its got a 5in pin with 1 1/2 top

swung cg way right and put the pin above my middle finger(right handed), small x-hole

not as much length as my 1st one, but man does it have backend!  i had forgoten how much backend this ball has.  havn't had a good shot to test it out on.  but from what i've seen on house shots, i'll be very pleased when sport shot time comes around. peace
I'm from the Midwest but I like to stand out/ So I'ma say Mideast just to see if they shout/ Tick you off yet?  Cuz I can keep going/ But I'll just end this with my middle fingers showing


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Re: Threat
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2003, 01:42:19 PM »
KU as in University of Kansas, or KU as in Kentucky?
Eric Topham, M.B.A.

Chemical Engineer by Degree, State Employee by Day, and an M.B.A at night in the Proshop.

Doesn't make any sense does it?


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Re: Threat
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2003, 04:22:08 PM »
I'm from the Midwest but I like to stand out/ So I'ma say Mideast just to see if they shout/ Tick you off yet?  Cuz I can keep going/ But I'll just end this with my middle fingers showing

Slim Goody

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Re: Threat
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2004, 04:44:23 PM »
Hand: Right
Average: 212
Years: 25

This ball is perfect for me. I am a down and in type roller. This ball is good on medium lane conditions. I had a 290 earlier this season with it. Ball not hooking as much as it was when I first got it. Not sure if it's the ball or if the lanes are slicker. I am getting ready to drill up another one slightly stronger to see what happens! Can't go wrong with it!


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Re: Threat
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2004, 05:50:39 PM »
This is a great ball! I bowled my second 300 Game with this ball. This is a Great ball because it doesn't just die out at the end of the lane! The ball hits real hard at the end of the lane and has great pin reaction! When it all comes together its a A+ Ball!!! A MUST GET!!!


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Re: Threat
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2004, 01:30:42 AM »
I am a tweener. Right handed. Ball speed 15 to 17 mph depending on conditions. Pin 1" above 1" right of ring finger. PAP 5-1/2". Balance weight hole. The ball is in box condition. I have a dozen games in so far. I have not shot any huge games yet, but I am feeling out this ball. It is not a monster hooker, but I was looking for more control. Better reaction in over/under conditions then some of my more aggressive balls. I was trying to replace my Revmaster. It is not as aggressive as the Revmaster, but easier to roll and smack the pocket. I really believe that once I know the do's and don't's of this ball it will be a very good "control" ball. It is not the best ball that I have ever had, but if you are looking for a more even control, then this is the ball. It is not a huge hooker, but will walk into the pocket nicely. Goes through the heads and down the boards nicely, then revs up and makes its move into the pocket. I have left very few corner pins so far. My high game through twelve games is only 244. Not great, but like I said, I am still feeling the ball out. I will check back in after twenty four games.
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Re: Threat
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2004, 11:44:22 AM »
I drilled up a threat a few months ago with a pin 0-1 positioned in the center of grip to give a smooth reaction this ball has became the first ball out of the bag anywhere I go it is very controllable but hits like a tank this is the greatest ball ever in my opinion it works great on house shot as well as sport aI rate this ball a 20 on a 1-10 scale its just that good


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Re: Threat
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2004, 12:30:18 PM »
This ball is absolutely awesome. I have never
been able to open up a lane as much as i've
been able to with this sweet thing. I used to
play 12 out to 8 and now i play 17 out to 6
and sometimes 20 out to 8 and this ball comes
charging back to the pocket with force. Carry
is better then average as long as i stay behind
the ball. Get around the side of it and its
10 pin city. The last 3 weeks of lg i have
aveaged 230 with this. I will be purchasing
another and i will be getting a triple threat as well.
I give this ball a 10.

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Re: Threat
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2004, 05:17:32 AM »
i bought one of these when they first came out in  the thought
of replacing my danger zone well when i first throw the ball i oiled the lanes  up for heavy oil witch in our house is 40 feet solid oil then buffered to 41 feet
 . i always throw from 12 out to to 6 for any of my balls to come in well  it didnt really come in as much as i herd people brag about it so i moved three boards right and thought that would work well this ball does hit hard but i  always left 10 pins with the damn thing. so  i played it like that all the time and tryed going back but it didnt work  so now it sits in my closet waiting to be thrown in a hole in my yard