Volume:Not known (but more of a medium, nowhere near heavy)
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS
COMMENTSLikes:Surprised at how clean it is through the fronts with a 3000 finish.

Dislikes:Lane shines pretty quickly
And not really an in depth review, just my opinions and observations.
Now, on to those:
Was looking for a solid cover ball that was “weaker†than lots of others, and was leaning towards a Hustle Ink. Went to the shop to see about one, and he told me about this one. Decent cover, higher rg, and lower diff. Said he would make me a great deal on it since he already had it in stock, so I said sure.
Drilled it pin over ring, cg stacked, which gives me about a 4 x 3 with my pap #’s.
Well, it would be an understatement to say I was impressed. The ball was surprisingly clean through the fronts, started its transition further down than I thought it would, and made a very hard arc/turn to the rack. As long as I played close enough to the oil line to let it “bump†the dry, this thing was absolute money.
Now, if I pulled it into the oil too far, it would skid too much and not recover in time, leaving me with flat tens, or even washouts. I considered this to be “operator errorâ€, and continued to use it for the entire set.
For many, I
DO NOT believe this is a full set ball. Once I got my feet too deep, it didn’t seem to hit or carry as well, but as long as I could stay a bit out and play (bump) the track, it was great.
First two games out of the box were 267-259. Then, when I moved into the lane, I only shot a “hit or miss†180.

If you are looking for something that is controllable, likes the drier track, and likes to be rolled (not thrown with lots of axis rotation), this could be a hidden gem.
I know it has been for me.