I agree that there are no bad balls, but if you don't write a review of a ball that didn't match up with your style, because you believe it's not the ball's fault, then I don't feel you're being honest.
No review should bad mouth a ball. It should state how useful a ball was for you If it was of minor use, say that. If it was of major utility, say that too.
If you choose to write ball reviews, you should write it no matter how well it suits your style. After all, that's why people read your or anyone's reviews, to learn how the ball will react if their release/delivery is similar to yours.You compare the ball's drilling and use to balls you already have to let people know how its reaction compares to balls that you have already tested. It is the onlyway to understand a ball you have not thrown yourself.
If the ball is more or less sensitive to all the variables in bowling (releases, drillings, oil, dry, carrydown, etc) , you should state that. If you don't do the honest job on all balls tested and reviewed, how can people trust any of your reviews.
If you don't write a less glowing report on every Ebonite ball, will Ebonite "fire" you?
"To thine own self, be true."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."