Finally got to the spec sheet on C300's quirky webserver: Magic Shine, but couldn't find anything on grit.
Well, I was bored of looking at the thing on the shelf and I didn't have any Shine on hand, so I sanded the thing with the finest thing I had, which was only 600. I resurfaced because I had to have the ball plugged and redrilled after a substitute ball driller (regular driller had heart surgery and retired, but thankfully unretired recently) got my spans backwards! Drilled the ball righty instead of lefty.
Since I was having it redone and the original 4x2 drilling was much too strong for what I intended the ball to do, I thought I'd play with the 45 degree "Rico" drilling. It worked out great. Compared to the 4x2 with OOB, the ball is more forgiving, less prone to over-react, drives harder through the pins. Though I'm not sure how much of this is due to the new drilling and how much is due to the new surface. We'll see when I can get some 1000 or 1500 grit sand and some Magic Shine.
I'd highly recommend this ball to anyone, it's a major steal at the prices it's going at right now. I'm picking up another one myself.
Just keep in mind that it's a fairly strong piece (for me anyway) which was not the impression I got from the flyer and spec sheet. I didn't like the ball at the 4x2 drilling for me because it wasn't what I was expecting and created a reaction that overlapped my existing arsenal.