Not sure if this has been mentioned here or not, but there are many benefits to throwing 15...the best suggestion you could take would be to try one ball at 15#, if you don't like it, you've still got your 16# gear, if you like it, you sell your stuff (locally, here, Ebay, etc.) and drill up some 15# orbs! I am one of the rare breeds who still throw 16#, there are VERY few of us around anymore, I've kept with 16# for now because it feels right, my timing is still good, and i'm young, can still get away with throwing heavier equipment. I know I will eventually make the switch to 15#, and i've tried before, but my timing was just terrible! I'm sure with more work (I tried it briefly during my junior year of college) and practice it could work and I know it would owrk for you as well. The resident pro who co-owns the shop I drill at switched to 15# about 2 or 3 months ago and he loves it! Anywho, good luck with the change!
Andrew Loose
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."