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Author Topic: 15 or 16#?  (Read 2239 times)


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15 or 16#?
« on: March 21, 2005, 03:49:56 PM »
I'm a loyal Track user and I'm thinking of changing from 16 to 15# equipment. Can those who have made this change advise me of the advantages or disadvantages? I'm not having any physical problems and I'm not sure why this has been on my mind lately. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Matt Fortney

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2005, 04:51:55 AM »
Last year I switched from 15 to 16lbs in hopes of slowing myself down. prior to going to 16lbs i had 2 career 300's, a 299, 290, and a high of 765. it wasn't until recently this year that i noticed, but since i switched to 16, my average had gone down 5 pins, i had no honor scores at all, and my high series was 710. so i made the switch back to 15. 2 days after getting 3 15lb balls, i shot 300-765. since then i've shot a 290 and many many 700's. it might just be coincidence, but i truly believe that 15 carries better, you don't get as tired (whether you notice it or not), and another perk...there's a lot more used 15lb equipment than 16. lol. my advice, go to 15, if not for any reason other than there's no advantage in my mind to stay w/ 16.

just my opinion.


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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2005, 08:19:35 AM »
I made the switch 3 years ago, along with taking out the grips and slugs, and it has gone great!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2005, 09:58:48 AM »
Hey erh300,

With the strength and technology of the equipment produced today, the pound difference shouldn't hurt your carry.  In some cases, the lighter weight will allow a bowler to increase his/her revolutions because they can release it with a stronger wrist position.  

Understanding that a ball is supposed to make contact with only 4 pins during a strike (1,2,5 and 9 for RH), the majority of the rack (6 pins) fall from the proper chain reaction created by the driving power and entry angle at the point of impact.  So it still boils down to how well you can get the ball to finish into the pins for a higher percentage of carry.

Personally I made a change from 15lbs to 14lbs 3 yrs ago and still see no difference in carrying power.  Hope this helps some...

FYI: A few years back, one of my ball reps mentioned that we were on about a 8 to 1 ratio of bowlers throwing 15 vs 16.
Rick Leong
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Bernard Byars Jr

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2005, 10:06:52 AM »
I too made the switch from 16# to 15# and to me it seems to work better for me and it seems I carry alot better because I can get a little more turn on the ball than my 16's. and I don't get as tired as I used too. When I shot my first 800 it was with a 15# Columbia Tremor,since going to 16# I have not had any honor scores with them,so needless to say I went back to 15# equipment and just recently(two weeks ago) shot 289,288 with three 700 series all with 15# equipment and my average has gone up 5 pins since throwing 15#. Currently I'm throwing a 15# Phenom Unleashed and I'm having a wonderful time with it. My advice go to 15 try it out and if it's not what your looking for go back to 16.


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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2005, 10:21:09 AM »
Just wanted to add my 2 or so cents in here. I also switched from 16# to 15# for several reasons. One being the old man syndrome... You know I can throw more games this way... Secondly I did it for hopefully increased carry in my case. I used to throw a 16 zipping at a blinding pace of 13-14mph *BIG GRIN* and those pesky 8 and 9 pins just kept jumping outta no where. When I switched I saw a good difference because my ball deflected a little more when hitting the hole. No don't get me wrong, I still leave an occasional 9 pin but a mere pittance compared to what it was like. Now I get a different problem... Arrrggggghhhhh pocket 7-10's. Not many but there once and a while.



P.S. Yes I am new here, but well experienced in this sometimes frustrating GAME!
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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2005, 10:21:27 AM »
Not sure if this has been mentioned here or not, but there are many benefits to throwing 15...the best suggestion you could take would be to try one ball at 15#, if you don't like it, you've still got your 16# gear, if you like it, you sell your stuff (locally, here, Ebay, etc.) and drill up some 15# orbs!  I am one of the rare breeds who still throw 16#, there are VERY few of us around anymore, I've kept with 16# for now because it feels right, my timing is still good, and i'm young, can still get away with throwing heavier equipment.  I know I will eventually make the switch to 15#, and i've tried before, but my timing was just terrible!  I'm sure with more work (I tried it briefly during my junior year of college) and practice it could work and I know it would owrk for you as well.  The resident pro who co-owns the shop I drill at switched to 15# about 2 or 3 months ago and he loves it!  Anywho, good luck with the change!

Andrew Loose
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Mitch Beasley

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2005, 10:25:15 AM »
I used to use 16 and I switched 5 years ago to 15. I did it to become more versatile so I could play the tour conditions better. With the 15 I can throw the ball faster, straighter, hook it more, and I can loft the caps much better.

Most people find they have more stamina and are more versatile.
Beasley pro shop

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2005, 10:29:10 AM »
Well, I made the switch down to 14# equipment and I don't see anything but a very slight difference on a very few shots, and that is speed related.  because of the lower weight I can get a little fast with the ball speed, especially when I get pumped up to the situation.  But even then this ball hits as hard as you want/need and the pins fly.  I am 5 ft 11 inches and I weigh in at 220 with a 36 inch waste.  I'm not over the hill either.  My point is that you should not be afraid to go down in ball weight for any reason.  These new balls hit hard, hook a lot and I believe that the lower weigh gives me many more options without sacrificing carry.  And less weight is a lot easier to control.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2005, 12:13:57 PM »
I made the drop from 16lbs to 15lbs before this season. My goal was to slow my ball speed down and take muscle totally out of my armswing. It has worked. At first 15lbs felt very uncomfortable but I stuck with it. When I was using 16lbs the ball speed off of my hand was 25 mph and 22mph down the lane. With 15lbs I am currently at 19mph off of my hand and 16-16.5mph down the lane. With 15lbs I am more relaxed and have much better feel.

As a side note, I attempted to throw a 16lb ball a few weeks ago.......the tense feeling came back right away, and WOW was it work throwing the ball!!!
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Mr Lefty

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2005, 12:35:34 PM »
the key to this game is consistency and being able to repeat shots and like what they say the way they manufacture balls nowadays a lb diff shouldn't really hurt your carry...with a lighter ball you'll have more control as opposed to the heavier ones...i used to throw 16 playing channels and it was no problem for me till i started getting more revs off the ball which eventually became a i tried playing the inside lines with a 16# ball and it was too much for my shoulder after several games trying to keep in the right trajectory throwing out...I've downgraded to 15# and now i have better control of the ball and was able to add more revs to it now my "A" line is playing off the 3rd arrow and hooking it...
"bowlers and thier balls are like women and thier shoes...never question how many they've got"


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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2005, 01:27:32 PM »
As a few people here can tell you I have been trying to convert from 16 to 15 for the past 4 years with very little success. Every time I have tried my average has dropped 20 to 25 pins. A certified coach tells me it has to do with the height of my backswing and the amount of muscle in the swing with the 15lb equipment. I haven't completely given up on the 15lb equipment but I think I will wait until the summer (after the Eliminator and TAT) before I try it again.

Deven Walls

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Re: 15 or 16#?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2005, 04:12:22 PM »
I am in the process of making this change. I am a somewhat 'hefty' guy so the weight was not the real issue - I simply wanted to see what it would do. I find it much easier, as has been stated, to get a free arm swing and a clean release. Sometimes it feels too light and I throw it too hard but then I know my swing is off. I still use 16 at times (certain balls I have not replaced) which is supposedly a 'no-no' but I can feel the difference immediately.

As far as you, tenpinspro, if you are hitting the 1-2-5-9 with the ball, you must be throwing it straight down 22.............!!!
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