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Author Topic: My "TAKE"....  (Read 1981 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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My "TAKE"....
« on: April 30, 2008, 03:59:56 AM »
Hey folks...first let me apologize for not posting as much as I have in the past. That is definately going to change.

NOW on to the subjects that have been going on here in the past week or so:

Most of you know me as someone that has followed Track for a very long time. I was on the boards here giving suggestions on layouts, coverstock prep etc... long before I was ever given a staff position. Rick Leong and I were here many times a day to answer even the smallest of questions for anyone that asked. I have answered the questions of Rick's absence from the company, and will not do so any further. He and I still talk frequently.

There are so many things that people need to realize about Track, one of which is that Paul has placed so much effort into taking us where we have never been as a company. No matter what was thought in the past....Track was never one of the "big 4". That is where Fig is trying to lead us. We are still very "cutting edge" as far as technology is concerned, but we are even taking that to a new level.

Equipment: folks, the bottom line is this, we had some tremendous equipment in the past.........but I have to say that the new equipment is far and beyond what we had before. EXAMPLE: The Temper. This ball is essentially what the Phoenix was....only it is better. It is much more continuous though the pin deck than the Phoenix was AND the coverstock holds up much better than what the Phoenix had. The funny thing about this is that The Temper can be had at a much lower price point than what the Phoenix was going to sell for. Another example is the Kinetic. It is very well document in this forum how much I loved the Power Machine. The Kinetic is a much stronger ball at the breakpoint than the Power Machine was(which it was marketed as).

This is not to talk down about our older equipment, because we all know it was good....but the new stuff is taking us to a totally different level.

Our leadership is in place. Paul puts so much time in making sure our company is going to turn around that he does not get the time at home that I am sure he would like. He seems to put Track ahead of almost everything. He has totally buried himself in this company and in the vision that he has for us down the road.

The forum was down for a was getting whacked with adult pictures that were definately not items people though they would see when logging on to read about bowling equipment. Track has its group of underage people that log on and for them to see that was horrible. It is fixed now, and hopefully we will not have that problem in the future.

I hope that you can all understand that we are going through a period of enthusiasm.....a time engulfed in producing the best bowling balls a brand has on the market today. The future that Paul envisions for us is very exciting, and that vision is backed by some very impressive equipment that can surely give us an edge on the lane against our competition........which is all that we are looking to have, isn't it?

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
with locations in:
Youngstown Ohio (West Side Lanes)
Boardman Ohio (Camelot Lanes)

Track Bowling Tech Advisor
The Legion Lives @

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TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!/Co-Founder
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2008, 12:18:08 PM »
Carl you are and always have been a class act, I do not even know all of the Rick story and most here probably do not. But it is not all about Rick and/or you being down in posting the Buzz in this forum and really to me all BR forums have been pretty boring the last 4-5 months.

Maybe it is because i have not been a buying idiot like I personally was and I do not read many of the posts like I did about current and future products. Maybe it because Sawbones and others are just gone and the newer group just attacks each other and nit picks posts. That if you happen to mention one slight mistake like I did on another post you get corrected like a 3 year old child.

All I know that Paul F. has a tough road ahead of him, I do not know him and have heard mixed things about him through the grapevine. I hope for his sake that he can create a better more positive atmosphere, right now his little company is going to have to hit the home run on the next releases or else i think they will kill the brand. IMO Only i disclose on my last statement.

Edited on 4/30/2008 12:20 PM

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2008, 12:36:33 PM »

HM...."homerun" is exactly how I described a ball we have coming at Bowl Expo.

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
with locations in:
Youngstown Ohio (West Side Lanes)
Boardman Ohio (Camelot Lanes)

Track Bowling Tech Advisor
The Legion Lives @

Tag Team Member #1

TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!/Co-Founder
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2008, 12:37:57 PM »
Fig mentioned the ball. He really believes in it and thinks it will be a major piece. I got no details, but he sounded rather excited.
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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2008, 02:47:12 PM »
I'm not going to make a topic about this, so I'm going to post it here:

What I liked about track back in the day:

1. Inovative technology. The technology, especially core technology was phenominal.

2. Durability. I never had issues with cracking or ball death. I still use a freak that has a light load of particle coverstock. Loved it. Waiting for a replacement down the road.

3. Ball lineup. I could buy a ball for any lane condition. In its hay day, track had a full lineup of balls for an aresenal.

What I'd like to see in the future:

1. Again core technology. Lets see things we've never seen before.
2. Cover durability. This for me is an issue with any Ebo cover. I've seen many of the "One" series die after 100 games. If track can circumvent this, they will have winners.
3. Ball lineup. Lets get an entire aresenal out there. It seems like track does not yet have this. They need this IMHO to be successful. I saw mention of "skid snap" was their forte. I disagree. Their forte was having a skid snap ball, early arching ball, dry lane ball..etc.
4. Don't give up on particle! Well, this I know is a dead issue for Ebo, and its sad all companies except a few. I shot a 300 with a freak last year. My first. Absolutely nothing wrong with particles. I have YET to see the same reaction from particles that I do with todays technology. I shot 299 a few weeks later with a hammer particle pearl. However, this wish won't be realized with track or ebonite.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2008, 02:50:04 PM »
Phenomenal if the core held together. Plus, take into account that the development time was extremely short for the first three releases compared to the average year it normally takes. But you make excellent points that should be shared with Fig and the other staffers. They want to listen.
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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2008, 03:32:15 PM »
This is the guy all of you guys who have questions need to be talking to.  He, along with Figs, are absolute genisuses!!!

Kenny Corley
Track Staffer


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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2008, 04:25:35 PM »
I'm not going to make a topic about this, so I'm going to post it here:

What I liked about track back in the day:

1. Inovative technology. The technology, especially core technology was phenominal.

2. Durability. I never had issues with cracking or ball death. I still use a freak that has a light load of particle coverstock. Loved it. Waiting for a replacement down the road.

3. Ball lineup. I could buy a ball for any lane condition. In its hay day, track had a full lineup of balls for an aresenal.

What I'd like to see in the future:

1. Again core technology. Lets see things we've never seen before.
2. Cover durability. This for me is an issue with any Ebo cover. I've seen many of the "One" series die after 100 games. If track can circumvent this, they will have winners.
3. Ball lineup. Lets get an entire aresenal out there. It seems like track does not yet have this. They need this IMHO to be successful. I saw mention of "skid snap" was their forte. I disagree. Their forte was having a skid snap ball, early arching ball, dry lane ball..etc.
4. Don't give up on particle! Well, this I know is a dead issue for Ebo, and its sad all companies except a few. I shot a 300 with a freak last year. My first. Absolutely nothing wrong with particles. I have YET to see the same reaction from particles that I do with todays technology. I shot 299 a few weeks later with a hammer particle pearl. However, this wish won't be realized with track or ebonite.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Just to address a few points that you listed here in your wishes

1. I believe that the cores in the current lineup are original, are they not? While they may not be as innovative as some of the cores in past balls, it's not like they're retreads of old cores in new shells

2. The two new Track pieces that I have purchased this year are still going strong after many games. I picked up my Kinetic just after Christmas break and my Temper about a month after that and have thrown both quite a bit. My Temper does get more use than my Kinetic, but I have noticed absolutely no decrease in performance from either ball.

3. I have heard of success from every ball on just about every condition. Much of this is dependant on drilling specs and cover prep. In all honesty, I doubt that anything that Track makes currently will work on complete toast, but that is about the only condition that the current lineup will not cover.

4. Maybe it's a matter of perception.. Personally, I had prefered particle equipment over reactive. That ended with the Temper. To me, it gives me a similar reaction to what I would get out of some of my particle stuff without being as much of a maintenance pain in the butt as particles tended to be.

One thing that I have to say was that in the past, I was extremely disenchanted with Ebonite. I had a customer service nightmare with a ball that I bought from them falling apart on me. The way that Ebonite handled it left a really bad taste in my mouth and from that point until the buyout, I never owned another Ebonite ball. It remains to be seen if that will happen again, although, being under a seperate management team, I have the hope that I will get the customer service that I am used to getting from Track.


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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2008, 09:07:46 PM »
I could not agree any more with Carl's assessment. After meeting Fig and hearing the plans for the future and his vision for the company, I don't want to be anywhere else.
Many of you might know me from the Track forum or the PBA website. My name is Louis Franzetti. I have been meaning to register hear for the longest time.
I did want to mention with thing with regards to the comment about Track's weight blocks not being cutting edge. Let's take the Temper for instance. I think the numbers on it are 2.46 rg, .4 diff. If these are wrong, pretend they are right. Now, you can achieve these same numbers with the single density weight block Track uses or you can achieve them the way Track used to with a block with several pieces to it, a multidensity weight block. If both blocks achieve the same core numbers, they will both have the same effect on the dynamics of the ball. A single density core if easier to produce, will have less production scraps, and be less likely to separate on you, the end consumer. Take a look at the Rising. The core numbers are something never before achieved from a single density block.
This company is going in the right direction. I am excited for what the future holds and I hope that we can win back some of our fans. We are putting some of the best product on the market in the industry today.

Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2008, 12:39:07 AM »
The only thing I have to say is about the core inovation. The core of the old track were cool looking however with the statements made about the percent of the balls that made it out of the factory are proof to why they were not good. The one thing about a multi piece core is once you put them together and fuse the filler and core together it becomes one but the pieces could shift and make a bad ball. This means the quality control was very bad with multi-piece cores. The shapes ebonite makes may not be as cool looking but what the Rising core is made to do is nothing but Inovative. The things this ball does and what it is said to do are amazing.

Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

Tag Team Coaching Success Story.

Happily destributing the red pills of CGNOMADDA. "if you take this pill, YOUR MIND WILL BE OPEN TO A WORLD NEW IDEAS."
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
Bowling Ball Driller


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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2008, 09:06:58 AM »
I'm not going to make a topic about this, so I'm going to post it here:

What I liked about track back in the day:

1. Inovative technology. The technology, especially core technology was phenominal.

2. Durability. I never had issues with cracking or ball death. I still use a freak that has a light load of particle coverstock. Loved it. Waiting for a replacement down the road.

3. Ball lineup. I could buy a ball for any lane condition. In its hay day, track had a full lineup of balls for an aresenal.

What I'd like to see in the future:

1. Again core technology. Lets see things we've never seen before.
2. Cover durability. This for me is an issue with any Ebo cover. I've seen many of the "One" series die after 100 games. If track can circumvent this, they will have winners.
3. Ball lineup. Lets get an entire aresenal out there. It seems like track does not yet have this. They need this IMHO to be successful. I saw mention of "skid snap" was their forte. I disagree. Their forte was having a skid snap ball, early arching ball, dry lane ball..etc.
4. Don't give up on particle! Well, this I know is a dead issue for Ebo, and its sad all companies except a few. I shot a 300 with a freak last year. My first. Absolutely nothing wrong with particles. I have YET to see the same reaction from particles that I do with todays technology. I shot 299 a few weeks later with a hammer particle pearl. However, this wish won't be realized with track or ebonite.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Just to address a few points that you listed here in your wishes

1. I believe that the cores in the current lineup are original, are they not? While they may not be as innovative as some of the cores in past balls, it's not like they're retreads of old cores in new shells

2. The two new Track pieces that I have purchased this year are still going strong after many games. I picked up my Kinetic just after Christmas break and my Temper about a month after that and have thrown both quite a bit. My Temper does get more use than my Kinetic, but I have noticed absolutely no decrease in performance from either ball.

3. I have heard of success from every ball on just about every condition. Much of this is dependant on drilling specs and cover prep. In all honesty, I doubt that anything that Track makes currently will work on complete toast, but that is about the only condition that the current lineup will not cover.

4. Maybe it's a matter of perception.. Personally, I had prefered particle equipment over reactive. That ended with the Temper. To me, it gives me a similar reaction to what I would get out of some of my particle stuff without being as much of a maintenance pain in the butt as particles tended to be.

One thing that I have to say was that in the past, I was extremely disenchanted with Ebonite. I had a customer service nightmare with a ball that I bought from them falling apart on me. The way that Ebonite handled it left a really bad taste in my mouth and from that point until the buyout, I never owned another Ebonite ball. It remains to be seen if that will happen again, although, being under a seperate management team, I have the hope that I will get the customer service that I am used to getting from Track.

This is exactly why I am considering purchasing a temper. I don't want something extremely early rolling, but I don't want long an strong. I have that in my aresenal.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: My "TAKE"....
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2008, 09:22:47 AM »
I'm not going to make a topic about this, so I'm going to post it here:

What I liked about track back in the day:

1. Inovative technology. The technology, especially core technology was phenominal.

2. Durability. I never had issues with cracking or ball death. I still use a freak that has a light load of particle coverstock. Loved it. Waiting for a replacement down the road.

3. Ball lineup. I could buy a ball for any lane condition. In its hay day, track had a full lineup of balls for an aresenal.

What I'd like to see in the future:

1. Again core technology. Lets see things we've never seen before.
2. Cover durability. This for me is an issue with any Ebo cover. I've seen many of the "One" series die after 100 games. If track can circumvent this, they will have winners.
3. Ball lineup. Lets get an entire aresenal out there. It seems like track does not yet have this. They need this IMHO to be successful. I saw mention of "skid snap" was their forte. I disagree. Their forte was having a skid snap ball, early arching ball, dry lane ball..etc.
4. Don't give up on particle! Well, this I know is a dead issue for Ebo, and its sad all companies except a few. I shot a 300 with a freak last year. My first. Absolutely nothing wrong with particles. I have YET to see the same reaction from particles that I do with todays technology. I shot 299 a few weeks later with a hammer particle pearl. However, this wish won't be realized with track or ebonite.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Just to address a few points that you listed here in your wishes

1. I believe that the cores in the current lineup are original, are they not? While they may not be as innovative as some of the cores in past balls, it's not like they're retreads of old cores in new shells

2. The two new Track pieces that I have purchased this year are still going strong after many games. I picked up my Kinetic just after Christmas break and my Temper about a month after that and have thrown both quite a bit. My Temper does get more use than my Kinetic, but I have noticed absolutely no decrease in performance from either ball.

3. I have heard of success from every ball on just about every condition. Much of this is dependant on drilling specs and cover prep. In all honesty, I doubt that anything that Track makes currently will work on complete toast, but that is about the only condition that the current lineup will not cover.

4. Maybe it's a matter of perception.. Personally, I had prefered particle equipment over reactive. That ended with the Temper. To me, it gives me a similar reaction to what I would get out of some of my particle stuff without being as much of a maintenance pain in the butt as particles tended to be.

One thing that I have to say was that in the past, I was extremely disenchanted with Ebonite. I had a customer service nightmare with a ball that I bought from them falling apart on me. The way that Ebonite handled it left a really bad taste in my mouth and from that point until the buyout, I never owned another Ebonite ball. It remains to be seen if that will happen again, although, being under a seperate management team, I have the hope that I will get the customer service that I am used to getting from Track.

This is exactly why I am considering purchasing a temper. I don't want something extremely early rolling, but I don't want long an strong. I have that in my aresenal.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

I completely understand that. I think that my Kinetic would get more use if I made some adjustments to the cover, but to be honest, since I have the Temper, why should I change another ball to fit the same shot that I am throwing with the Temper? lol!