I just had this one punched up tonight and figured I would give some thoughts, opinions, and observations on my first impressions of the ball.
We laid this one out with a 5" pin above the ring finger with the CG kicked slightly out. The last pin above layout I had was when I had the Arsenal Aggressive. Also take into consideration the lane surface was AMF. I have no clue what they call their lane surfaces, but I bowled in a AMF house.
1) Ball works great on clean back ends.
2) With the layout chosen, it has a very smooth return to the pocket.
1) Track = Success
2) Nuff said!
After blowing the rack out numerous times while trying it in practice, the guy that drilled it up for me and a fellow co-worker told me in their own words to "swing the damn" thing and see what it can do! With this I left not one, not two, but three consecutive 7-10s! Well, it made my pro shop guy crack up hysterically because he's a Columbia 300 Staff member and after the 3rd one, my co-worker walked away in disbelief. Three things went wrong with my 7-10 leaves.
1) I threw the ball too hard because I don't usually swing the ball
2) I'm rev deprived
3) I'm afraid that the Solution PPEX would NOT recover from that far out.
I solved this problem with this "Solution" (pun intended). I slowed my foot speed down and just cranked it as much as I possibly could very smooth like and actually got it outside 10 into the dry and this ball finished absolutely amazing! Good impressions thus far guys. Hmm...the Solution Solid maybe getting a holler from me as well! I will be posting a full review once I get some more games on it. Hope this helps anyone thinking about purchasing one for their arsenal! God Bless you all! Any questions, feel free to send me a message!
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Track -- Building success stories, one bowler at a time!
Edited on 10/27/2005 0:10 AM