I've been looking at getting a Rule, for no other reason than I want a new ball and the Rule looks like as good a choice as any. That and a recent resurface and polishing of my Triple Threat has left a hole in my arsenal. Loving the polish on the Threat too much to put it back at stock.
What I'm now wondering is what I'd get out of it. Looking at the length and backend ratings on the Track site, it looks like a Triple Threat (my frame of reference, since this is my only other Track ball atm) with more backend, which isn't a bad thing in my book
So my question is, are my assumptions right, that I'd be looking at a similar length ball but with more backend? Any comparisons would be much appreciated
Speed: 16 mph, (straight ball and measured by qubica, working on getting this up a bit)
revs: medium, lower medium (comparing myself to everyone else at the bowling alley, don't have any numbers though. Enough to swing the lane with most of my balls besides plastic
axis rotation: usually above 60 degrees and a good amount of tilt.
Edited on 3/15/2005 3:31 PM