I had my 2nd Animal drilled up a few weeks ago.
I took 2 weeks off bowling, to let my ring finger rest, and slide knee heal.
Went up to Door County Wisconsin, worked out in a health club fro about a week or so, strengthening my quadriceps, hip flexors, my knee is much better.
Ball specs:
15 #
2 inch pin
3-3/4 oz TW
Ball is drilled with pin 1/2 inch above midline (under ring finger),
5" from PAP
CG stacked under pin
MB on VAL 5-1/2 from PAP
small weight hole on PAP
Friday the 26th I shot a 3 game sweeper (no tap), pretty long oil pattern.
In practice I took out my Slash, which I just returned to close to OOB. Ball had no reaction at all. I tried my Bonanza II ball which normally starts earlier, hook about 4 more boards than my Slash, no reaction. I took out my 1st Animal which is drilled for length, ball was real inconsistent unless I went outside 5 with it...this shpot does not work well in the house I was bowling.
I had time fro 2 more pratice shots, took out the newly drilled Animal.
Lined up with my feet at 18 targeting arond 12. Slid at 20-21, threw 2 balls flush. Tried to go straight up the back of the ball.
The ball started up pretty early made a small arc to the pocket and set.
I threw the first 7 (2 no-tap 7 pins). Drifted left about 3 boards, ball sailed, left the 5-9 (spare). Struck out (natural) 278.
2nd game, threw the first 5 (natural), drifted left pulled the ball 6-7-10,
(no pins on spare shot). strike...and another duplicate shot 6-7-10.
I finished the game out for 227.
3rd game, I walked up and down the house and saw I was in 2nd place.
I shot 258 the last game...Had to move everything (feet and mark) about 2-3 boards inside.
Shot 763, and took 2nd place for $150. 1st place was $300. Winner shot 803.
3rd place shot 678.
Owners polled, to see if anyone was up for a 2nd sweeper.
I was raring to go.
The next 3 games I shot 288-289-258 for 835. I was leading by 60 pins after 2 games. I won the 2nd sweeper, for $125. (Left 4 7 pins, 1 6 and 1 10 pin)
Lanes were hooking a bit more the 2nd set...Changed my Axis tilt a bit, spun the ball down the lane...
I love the drilling on this ball. I have not had a match-up like thia ball in a long, long time. They were calling me "The Machine" by the end of the night.
I'm having a Havoc drilled tomorrow...I'm starting to really love Track equipment.
Duke Harding
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My Bowling Auctions on eBayEdited on 8/28/2005 5:16 PM