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Author Topic: Need Help Building an Arsenal  (Read 1187 times)


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Need Help Building an Arsenal
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:39:50 AM »
Stats: 16-17 mph, 3-350 rpm, tweener, most comfortable playing a down and in shot as I've converted from a swinger.

Back story: I've recently changed my from and release and follow through, used to come around the ball quite a bit, couldn't release consistently, was a 201 average in league at one point, but had dropped to a 178, started working with a coach to come up the back of the ball, first league night out with it, 646(And really didn't even through it THAT well as I'm still getting used to it), fair to say I'm a believer in his methods and I've already started to gain quite a bit of confidence. Even before this move I was going to update my arsenal, but now I definitely feel it's time.

Current Arsenal: Hammer Raw Burn(Pin Above Ring), Hammer Vibe Onyx(Pin Above Ring), Hammer Razyr(Pin Below Ring)

What I'm trying to accomplish, right now as I'm adapting to the new form and release I am rolling the ball a little slower than I normally would, that coupled with the fact that our house has been REALLY dry in league, I've been using the Razyr and throwing a straight down and in shot and that has worked well. But I know once my speed comes up and there is any oil out there, I will struggle to get my Razyr to the pocket, which our house sometimes throws out a medium-heavy pattern for league. Also I plan on bowling in quite a few tourneys and in my experience at least around here(Indiana) they are typically HEAVY oil patterns. So all of that being said, I plan on keeping the Razyr for extremely dry conditions, now I need something as my benchmark ball for when my speed comes up and there's any oil or carry down and I also need something for HEAVY conditions.....thoughts, suggestions? Also if you suggest a ball, what drilling do you think I should go with for said ball?

GREATLY APPRECIATE ANY HELP OR FEEDBACK! If you need any additional info please let me know as I am new to this kind of forum and new to bowling specs as I have just recently gotten REALLY serious about bowling.



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Re: Need Help Building an Arsenal
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 01:17:49 PM »
Kind of hard to determine exactly what you want or what will work for you.  I can, however, share what works for me being someone with lower axis rotation than you have (15-30 degrees depending on the line).

Oil ball - 715t...this is a very strong piece, drilled for heavy oil I would be around 70x4.5x30.  This puts the pin under my fingers and the MB in a strong arc position...not really flippy but stronger than a 45* control position.

Benchmark - 916AT....probably the most versitle ball in the line.  Put your favorite drilling on this one and adjust surface to fit the house you are in that week.  Can handle slop all the way down to med oil depending on the surface.

One more between 916at and razyr - 505a...a good piece for outside and inside angles. easy length and good backend.  Would drill something like 40x5x45 for length and control off the dry.

Anyone else feel free to tastefully bash my opinion...just stating what would and does work for me.
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St. Louis USBC Sport Bowling
Best Bowling Pro Shops Inc., St. Louis MO.


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Re: Need Help Building an Arsenal
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 01:46:23 PM »
Those are all balls I've looked at, If I only wanted to buy 2, what do you think of going with the 916AT, because of it's versatility, polished for league and sanded for heavy oil tourneys and the 505a for the medium?


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Re: Need Help Building an Arsenal
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2010, 02:39:27 PM »
I havent thrown the 916AT, but I can tell you Ive thrown the 715T 65x4.5x30 sanded at 1000AB(great in oil) and 1000 polished. The ball is very versatile and has a great motion both ways!~!

I am a huge fan! I also have a 607A that I have at 4000 and love it!
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Re: Need Help Building an Arsenal
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 04:29:13 AM »
Those are all balls I've looked at, If I only wanted to buy 2, what do you think of going with the 916AT, because of it's versatility, polished for league and sanded for heavy oil tourneys and the 505a for the medium?

I think that this would be a good starting point.  You may eventually find a need for a stronger piece for tournaments but to start out the 916, 505a, and your Razyr should be fine.  Just remember that initially for tournaments you will have a huge gap between your 916 and your 505a if you sand the 916.
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St. Louis USBC Sport Bowling
Best Bowling Pro Shops Inc., St. Louis MO.


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Re: Need Help Building an Arsenal
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2010, 06:48:24 AM »
So would I be better off with the 715T and the 916AT polished, again if I were only going to go with 2?


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Re: Need Help Building an Arsenal
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2010, 09:11:04 AM »
If it were me I would go with the 916AT and the 505A simply becuse the 916 is more versatile with surface adjustment.  Sanded it is just under the 715t, polished it is longer and more angular than the 715t.  You can fill a bigger hole with one ball, problem is that with only 3 balls in the bag you have to watch your gaps, especially if you are going to sand the 916 for tournaments.  If tournaments will not be a large portion of your bowling I would get the two that fits your league conditions the best and take your chances in tournaments with the surface that you need to compete.

" or do not, there is no try."

St. Louis USBC Sport Bowling
Best Bowling Pro Shops Inc., St. Louis MO.