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Author Topic: Of the 3 new balls...  (Read 1078 times)


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Of the 3 new balls...
« on: September 18, 2009, 05:44:03 AM »
Which one do you think is the pound for pound best ball?  I have only had the chance to throw the 505 and 715 but hands down the 505 is above and beyond one of the best balls I have throw to date!  Dont get me wrong... the 715 is great!  very angular and has its place in my lineup.  But it is a little more sensative to the lane.  Carrydown and long patterns seem to REALLY kill this ball.  However the 505 is the ball that no matter what the conditions i can find a line to score with.  If I could only carry 1 ball right now I think this would be it!  

I should note that I am a tweener. about 375-400 revs and 16 mph



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Re: Of the 3 new balls...
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 01:54:42 PM »
Well, I can only really say the 505. There are times that all this traction isn't benefical, nor is an angular backend.  However, control is always important-no matter what the surface.  Not to mention, I've thrown the three and only like the 505.

I put the same layout on the 930(55* 5" 65*) that I have on my Virtual Gravity.  It doesn't outhook the Gravity by a mile as someone eloquently put it-at least for me anyway.  I pretty much get the same reaction as I get with my older KE.  My old KE rolls exceptionally well, so I don't have a place for the 930.

The 715 is so-so.  Rolls as advertised, but doesn't give me the "wow!  I'm glad I have this ball!" feeling.

The 505 fills a spot I was seriously lacking.  Something to control the dry lanes without fear of burning up or grabbing too early and jumping a lane.
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Re: Of the 3 new balls...
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2009, 02:02:47 PM »
See for me, when the lanes call for it, the 715 is a WOW ball.  It took a while to get used to it looking like it was going to blow bast the pocket then it just turns left and crushed it.

But the 505 has the most versatility of any ball i have throw... ever.  flood the lanes and I can use it down and in.  dry it out and i can swing the lane with it.  I just simply like this ball

Joe Jr

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Re: Of the 3 new balls...
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2009, 05:30:43 PM »
I've drilled all 3 up, and am extremely impressed with them so far.

The 715 has gotten the most use so far, it is fairly angular but it has such a revvy core, so it's still very controllable and versatile and I am much more comfortable throwing this ball then most other angular pieces i've owned. I'm really liking it on most medium to medium/heavier conditions as long as it has friction downlane. I did take the cover down 1000Grit and then re polished it because it seemed to have just a tad too much length for the fresh stuff.

The 930 is another quick revving core in it, but it's very strong and smooth downlane, tons of flare. It's not one of those hook at your feet type of ball, it's very comparable to the Virtual Gravity only hopefully it will last longer. I am really impressed that with surface and I cover a lot of boards and the ball still has soo much energy left at the pins.

The 505 is the newest and has the least amount of games on it but it is quickly becoming my favorite of the bunch. In box condition I found it to be a little too close to the 715 in overall hook but a little more even downlane so took the cover down to 4000 and now I have good separation between the two. This ball absolutely hooks though, even in oob it is much more ball then I expected. Very strong, very even, seems to very useable on lots of conditions and takes well to hand position changes.

I haven't thrown a Track ball since the Crash but I am loving the new stuff so far and they seem to doing very well around here.

Some pictures:

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Just another hack with too much equipment.

Track - Evolutionary. Revolutionary.