Hey qstick,
It's a little difficult to say because we don't know your particulars(pap,rotation,tilt...etc). A particular layout can react differently for different people based on these factors.
I will try and make an educated guess based on your brief description of our your game that this will go fairly long with more an arcing motion on the backend. It also appears to be currently the strongest or one of the strongest balls in your arsenal.
The Animal is designed for med to heavy oil. However, depending upon the grit of finish on the coverstock, it can go anywhere from heavy oil (dull) to med lite (polished). The line you would play would vary from the combination of the coverstock to the amount of lane friction that would be available to you. Unfortunately this is vague but it is the best I can do based on the info given.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Staff