I recently purchased my first Track ball, the Rule. I have
thrown 8 games with it so far and have had 5 200+ games, a
197 game and a couple bad games, one where I just threw bad
shots and one where I had trouble finding the proper line.
Love the ball so far. I wamted a ball that would allow me
to play a deeper line. So far it has fit the bill. I am a
lefty. Ball is drilled leverage, with the pin just to the
left of my index finger. No balance hole. I boughtthis ball
after doing quite a bit of research. The BTM reviews were
what swayed me and it came down to the Rule or the GP2.
I decided on the Rule because it was rated slightly better
on medium oil.
It is interesting to me that the two Treck balls that got
the best BTM reviews, in the past year, are seldom discussed
on this site. Is it because they are somewhat older releases
or is it that the people who post here don't have either of
these balls?
Just curious. And wondered what other Track users thought
of this ball.