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Author Topic: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5  (Read 2493 times)


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5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« on: June 13, 2005, 05:36:52 AM »
I drilled my 2 5.0s I received last week. First one drilled pin under ring, cg in palm, mass bias left of thumb in my track (favorite drill) and factory surface. 5.0 #2 is drilled identical, but with some surface added. I hit it with 2000 grit to knock the polish off.

I compared these to 2 of my GP2s that are drilled identical, one factory surface, one with magic shine, 2 of my original Xceptions that are drilled identical, one with factory surface, one with 2000 grit to knock the polish off, and 2 Rules, drilled the same, one with factory surface, one with magic shine.

Before I threw any of my other stuff, I tried the 5.0s. Lanes were fresh oiled, THS for classic scratch league, which is a slightly different shot than the rest of the leagues. 5.0 #1 went down the lane, made a SUPER turn and crunched the pins. After I repeated the shot a few times with similar results, I switched to the other 5.0, and moved 3 boards left with my feet and eyes. Same result! The knocked off polish let the ball grip the lane a little better, enabling me to move inside a bit more.

Compared to my GP2s, they were about 3 boards less overall, but I saw a much more defined backend with the 5.0s. I can see where, if I have to, move inside and this ball will carry for me, or at least help me with my little tilt and high speed.

Compared to the original Rules, I stood in essentially the same spot and was hitting the same mark, but the 5.0s hit better and was more forgiving...I have problems with resin from my speed and tilt, and shy away from them until I have to throw them. I had some success with the Rule, but the 5.0 gave me a little more room and better overall hit.

Compared to the original Xception, the 5.0s turned up a few boards earlier ( I was 2 boards further right with my feet with the original X) and had just as good as backend as the original X. When I got wide with the original X or tugged it a little, it had a tendency to overreact to the dry/under to the oil. When I did that with the 5.0, it smoothed out in the dry and was able to try to turn over in the oil, the beauty of particle.

Overall, a great ball for ANYONE to have in their bag, whether for a tourney or just league night. This ball will sell TONS! A step down from the GP2, but a logical one. This ball really completes an awesome line of high performance asymmetricals for 2004-2005 from Track. I hope next years are just as good, because this last year was flat out AWESOME!


I have since the original review compared the 5.0 with the following balls on a separate occasion:
2 Arsenal Aggressives, drilled with my favorite drill (pin under ring, cg in palm) one is factory surface, other has Magic Shine.
2 Arsenal Angulars, drilled with my favorite drill, one factory surface, one I believe I hit with 2000 a while back, but not 100% positive.
1 FAZ drilled with my favorite drill, factory surface
1 Heat drilled with my favorite drill, factory surface

House had just oiled their regular league pattern.

The 5.0 was consistantly covering about the same line as the Aggressives. The dull Aggressive and the dull 5.0 were only a few boards, if that for me different. Aggressive moved more up front, 5.0 had more on the backend. Pretty much saw the same from the shined ones, 5.0 had more backend there as well.

The Angulars were about a few boards less than the 5.0. The 5.0, for me, fit right between the Arsenals. The dull 5.0 moved sooner than the dull Angular and the factory surface 5.0 had more backend than the factory surface Angular.

The FAZ moved way earlier then either of my 5.0s. Both 5.0s had more pop and backend then the FAZ. Probably not enought oil for the low RG of the FAZ, but can't do much about that.

The Heat went way longer then either of the 5.0s, and had less backend than the factory 5.0, and was on par with the dulled 5.0 in the backend. I was 4-5 boards right with the Heat when compared to the 5.0s.

Didn't have much time, but these are pretty much the recaps in a nutshell.



Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460

Edited on 6/13/2005 1:32 PM

Edited on 6/23/2005 10:02 AM



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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 01:52:36 PM »
Clint,do you have videos of you bowlin?
Cody Rick Leong folks.


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 02:02:37 PM »
Dpat- did not bring the Arsenals, I was carrying 8 balls already and I will test those this weekend.

They came in on you were one day off...darn close though!

Lane1- As for the GP2, if you haven't seen, I have decided to carry 6-8 GP2s with me next year. I think I can cover anything I will see except VERY BONE DRY by surface adjustments and different drills with the GP2. For me, I have very little tilt, high speed, and average revs. I tend to favor particles due to that reason.  However, for anyone with some hand, I would agree with you, if the GP2 is over/under for them, this ball would be able to step in and pick up.

Bowler- Sorry, no vids....yet.


Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 02:00:37 AM »
Sounds good Clint....I wanted to play with my cover some.  My home house has gone extreme O/U again.  Might try what you said or a little more grit (high roll challenged), thanks for the info bud.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 06:59:40 AM »

See, you had to wait, but it was well worth it
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2005, 12:49:33 PM »
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2005, 01:34:51 PM »
Thanks Clint...

BTW, sent you a message!!
I just close my eyes and throw the ball


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2005, 08:50:30 AM »
Chi- 5.0 is particle pearl, if you were referring to the 5.0 in your last comment.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2005, 10:44:12 AM »
For me, its about controlling the breakpoint and getting through the heads. With my track, I enduce roll (end over end). I need something that scoots thorugh the heads (thus why I like higher RG balls....yes polish will help the ball through the heads, but when I do that, I sometimes sacrifice control on the backend, which is not what I need either). Thus, this is why the GP2 matches up so well with me. The high RG helps get the ball through the heads....dull surface (on most) give the ball a smooth look on the lane (arc) not skid flip like most pearls and highly polished stuff. 5.0 is a great ball, but overall, GP2 matches up better for me in general.

I am VERY interested in the Blue Heat (2.54 RG) Its higher than most...but not quite where I like them. I killed with AMF when Del was there...shot 300s with Ti Hawk and Nighthawk Revenge....both high RG balls. (2.57 and 2.58 I believe, to be exact).

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2005, 10:59:58 AM »
I have yet to order any of the new wife has been having some health problems...and cash is strapped right now. Thus the reason why I am also getting rid of the new Havoc I have. Other things happening as well, waiting for everything to calm down and go from there.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2005, 12:28:14 PM »
I appreciate the offer, but we are ok for right now. Just have to tighten the belts...especially when you have 3 can be tough.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2005, 03:33:28 PM »

Ex has 3 kids as well. I think there is a pattern forming.....

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2005, 04:30:46 PM »
2 girls and a boy here. WHAT A HANDFUL!!!!!

AND, if there were to be a Carl/Rick parenthood...Rick would be the parent so he can pay my bills, keep me out of trouble, and ofcourse have to pick me up during those LATE NIGHT Nationals parties.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2005, 04:39:37 PM »
Hey Clint, how do you think the 5.0 compares to the unleashed? I love that ball and they aree getting hard to come by.

Thanks, cooksey
" Focus the next shot is critical"

" Focus the next shot is critical"


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: 5.0 mini review....more comparisons added 6/23/5
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2005, 11:29:29 PM »

Clint is out of town, so I will try to answer for him.

Considering the Phenom Unleashed's OOB surface and the 5.0 OOB surface:

The Unleashed gets an earlier read on the lane, and doesn't backend like the 5.0. In my opinion on a THS the 5.0 will open up the lane much more than the Unleashed will.

NOW....this is an experiment that I have not done, so this is only speculation, but I feel that if you were to give them both identical surface preps the 5.0 would read the lane at about the same point at the Unleashed, but it will still backend more because of the Goo LS resin base.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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