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Author Topic: 503t feedback  (Read 2108 times)


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503t feedback
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:19:26 PM »
Haven't had a track ball in 18-19 tears (red sensor pearl) and just nabbed a great buy on a 503t from buddies. Does anybody have layout advice most of my stuff is pin up and where it'll fit in my arsenal. Balls consist of mastermind,IQTP,bullet train, times up solid, lights out and platinum ringer. Any insight would be great.



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Re: 503t feedback
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 01:31:27 PM »
strength wise would be around your Bullet Train and Times Up Solid. If most of your stuff is pin-up then the 503T will be smoother but plenty strong


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Re: 503t feedback
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 03:16:11 PM »
Ok thanks....bullet train has been a dud for me. It was a blem ball and does nothing. Times up solid has the double thumb layout. Was thinking something simple pin over ring.


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Re: 503t feedback
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2014, 03:21:04 PM »
503t is a great predictable piece
don't be afraid to change the surface to suit your needs.


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Re: 503t feedback
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 04:08:03 PM »
Was chatting with my driller at league last night and he thought keeping it at box would be a good option to fill a gap in my arsenal. Now if only the wife will let me get in on the network 900 global deal.


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Re: 503t feedback
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2014, 08:32:11 PM »
I consider the 505T to be one of the top 5 balls I've ever thrown in my life, it is damn near the perfect bowling ball. The 503T is pretty close to the 505T but with more pop in the back. A fantastic ball at a fantastic price. I bought 4 of them.


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Re: 503t feedback
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2014, 12:31:39 PM »

My 503t is the only track ball I still have in the bag; drilled a 716c, and 508a--- both were "okay" but didn't survive the yearly trade in for new stuff routine.

The 503t is stronger than average, and fits in below my Brunswick Nexus (original solid, drilled almost identical) but is a good 5 boards less overall. Basically, if I want a strong, semi-early rolling ball, but there's not enough oil for my Nexus to roll correctly, I go to the 503t.

Also, its the only ball I've had multiple 300's with... I average about 1 300 a year, but last year I had 2, within a month at different houses (one synthetic, one broken down wood).

I love the 503t-- match up the surface with your game/arsenal and enjoy. For me, oob plus a hand applied 2k pad really works well-- that's the level I take it back to every cleaning, and I've enjoyed the roll/hit since it came home with me.

To give you an idea of strength-- its about 5-7 less overall than my Nexus, but rolled very similarly to a like-drilled Victory Road solid (503 is more responsive off the spot) and its about 3 boards stronger than my Columbia Benchmark (same look overall, 503t is just more though).

Hope this helps-- buddies has them for like $70 shipped or something, well worth picking up another one for down the line.
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?