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Author Topic: 503T or 508A to compliment my 503c and 505A  (Read 1400 times)

David Lee Yskes

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503T or 508A to compliment my 503c and 505A
« on: November 15, 2012, 05:16:46 PM »
so I really love my 505A, and 503C...

but i am looking for something to compliment them... I am leaning more towards the 503T... and then getting something like a 300A .. since i have a 300T... 

And then throwing in a 811C/T just for S&G's lol
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Re: 503T or 508A to compliment my 503c and 505A
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 06:51:21 PM »
I'd lean towards the 503T.  It would give you an earlier read in the midlane and would be much more usable on the fresh.  The 503C is going to go a bit longer than the 503T but not be as angular than the 505A.  The 505A as you know will be longer and stronger in the back.

Then to go with your 300T, the 300A would be a great compliment to it.  When the 300T starts to react too strong to the mids, you can step down and just make simple adjustments to keep the same line going.

The 811C/T is a damn good hybrid from the videos I've seen so far.  It is going to be a beast on house shots and looks like it will work well on sport shots.

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David Lee Yskes

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Re: 503T or 508A to compliment my 503c and 505A
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 09:33:13 PM »
well, I do have a 916AT that is pin down, along with a 716c with the same drilling ( pin under the middle finger and MB off in a strong position )... I have a 715T that has the pin in the ring finger and MB in a strong position...  And my 811A is drilled the same as my 715T... 

So I sometimes wonder if getting a " new " ball will just be over-lapping other stuff... 

honestly, my idea is if i get a 503T is to use a similar drilling as my 505A, and then with the 300A do the same thing..   So i have a bit of a same / but different look with these balls..   

" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "