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Author Topic: 505a and 930t  (Read 972 times)

Southern California Bowl

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505a and 930t
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:31:45 AM »
I just drilled up a 505a and 930t and used a simular layout on both of them, the strange thing is the 505a is actually stronger in oil than the 930t. I used a high pin over the middle finger on both of them. Im right handed with more speed than a rev rate but for some reason I cannot get the 930t to start rolling. I have not put a hole in the 930t yet and was thinking of putting one down by the thumb to get it to become a little stronger. I have hit the cover with 500 abralon. I have used the 930t twice, once on a dry house shot and then on a Shark pattern. I had no success either time out with it as both times it seemed to be afraid of oil and would do nothing in the dry.

Any other suggestions?


Dan Belcher

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Re: 505a and 930t
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 12:48:51 PM »
The 930t with surface is just too much ball!  You have used it on a dry house shot and on the Shark pattern, which is long but also has only a light volume of oil inside of the 2nd arrow.  Therefore, anything strong, especially with a super rough 500 abralon surface on it, will begin to read the lane far too early.  The result?  It doesn't retain enough energy to pick up a roll in the midlane and hook on the backend.  You most likely need to use a much smoother surface like 4000 abralon, or perhaps even polish the 930t, and use it only when there is a sufficient volume of oil to get it through the first 30 feet of the lane.  And be sure you chase the head oil inside as the shot starts to break down.  It might seem counterintuitive to move left when your ball stops turning the corner, but with strong coverstock pieces that need oil to get down the lane, you will see less overall hook if it starts puking in the fronts.  And remember, on a drier shot, just don't use it!  That's why you have the 505a to begin with.


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Re: 505a and 930t
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 04:12:25 PM »
I highly agree.  My bother does not like his 930t with anything other than 4000.  it just rolls out and dies.  it is a tone of cover.  and also it is not ment to hook the world on the back.
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Edited on 7/2/2010 4:19 PM
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