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Author Topic: 505t  (Read 1103 times)


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« on: September 12, 2010, 12:42:45 PM »
Just wanted to post a comment on the 505t.  I think with the success of the 607a alot of bowlers are missing out on what I believe is one of the most versatile balls ever made.  I believe you can get so many different reactions from this ball.  I have three and they all have very distinct reactions.  With surface it is probably the strongest ball on the market.  With polish and weaker drillings it is as long and smooth as any.  i even have my third option set up to be skid flip and sure enough that is what i got.  This one ball is a must have for all types of bowlers.  The price is just a bonus.  The 607 is a great ball.  Just dont overlook the 505t.  You will be missing out on what I think is Track's biggest homerun to date.

BJ Hines
Track Amateur Staff
BJ Hines
 Track Staff