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Author Topic: 607A, or 505T or 715C  (Read 2264 times)


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607A, or 505T or 715C
« on: December 16, 2010, 01:41:58 PM »
Just looking for some advice..
I have an original mission. i bowled in a city singles here in my hometown and the shot broke down pretty quick (playing probably 18 to 10)... about the end of the 3rd game out of 6 my mission started burning up to quick.  I need a ball to abll down to that gets down the lane and makes a nice move... ive heard good things about the 607A, 505T, and maybe a 715C?... what would be the best ball to ball down with after the mission? thanks everyone



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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2010, 12:57:09 AM »
You can't go wrong with either the 607A or the 715C. The Mission is pretty strong, so I feel the 505T would give you close to the same look. You can polish it, but the cover still may be too strong. Just depends on if you want an angular backend or something a little smoother.
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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 02:36:20 AM »
505T is an awesome ball, and highly recommended but not for that description. Id say 505A. 607A is still pretty strong IMHO.....715C Im not that familiar with
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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 02:53:42 AM »
I'd go with what Curt said.  715C if you are seeking a more continuous traction type look @ 4000 abralon.  607ASE @ 4000 abralon will be a bit more angular.  505T will be more overall hook than either the 607ASE or the 715C.



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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2010, 05:18:34 AM »
Its a safe bet that the mission and the 715t are similar in hook potential (although not quite the same shape as the mission rolls a lot earlier).  That said I use 715T and ball down to 607ase at 4k if i need to stay angular and have a 505t to go down to from the 715t if I want to keep the same look with less ball.
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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2010, 06:59:24 AM »
Its a safe bet that the mission and the 715t are similar in hook potential (although not quite the same shape as the mission rolls a lot earlier).  That said I use 715T and ball down to 607ase at 4k if i need to stay angular and have a 505t to go down to from the 715t if I want to keep the same look with less ball.
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No, not a safe bet. The 715T is a lot stronger than the Mission. The only way a Mission would be similar is if you put a lot more surface on the ball, probably around 1000...and maybe even 500.

So, that is the question we need to ask Weshawk, what surface is your Mission currently at? Personally, when I find a great ball I usually drill a much weaker one, because you can usually drop to it and get a similar reaction once the lanes are blown up. So depending on the surface and layout of your current Mission, if you like it a lot it's always an option of drilling a much weaker one.

However, if you are looking for a Track ball to do the job, 607A is probably more in line with the strength and shape of the mission. Your best bet if you want a step down from the mission you'd be looking at the 715C, which is a fantastic benchmark ball, but if you want a decent step down you should go with the 505A.


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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2010, 10:45:51 AM »
I agree that the 715 is much stronger than the Mission....
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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2010, 08:33:26 PM »
I have a polished 505T that is pretty awesome when lanes get funky later in a block.  The weaker core and the stronger cover makes it very smooth and predictable.  My 607 is just too damn jumpy in later games.  Just my .02


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Re: 607A, or 505T or 715C
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2010, 06:57:38 AM »
I have a polished 505T that is pretty awesome when lanes get funky later in a block.  The weaker core and the stronger cover makes it very smooth and predictable.  My 607 is just too damn jumpy in later games.  Just my .02

I agree with this assessment of the 607A. If I am unable to use it the first game I usually just skip it in the progression because of how strong it is at the point.

I'm thinking of trying a different undergrit progression to see if I can take some of the snap out of it when I encounter a lot of friction. So instead of finishing it with 2000 2000 going with 2000 4000 4000. I will let you know, because I've only encountered this problem on high friction surfaces.