First time out with this ball and the burn combined.
Burn is 1000 grit with a smidge of polish.
- drilled 30x5.5x40 this puts the pin over the bridge and cg kicked out with an xhole on my VAL.
607a is 1000 with a good amount of polish.
- drilled 70x5x70 this puts the pin just under the bridge and the mb under and 1/4 right of the thumb. no x-hole
The burn is MUCH stronger, midland and downlane. The burn flares about 5-6 rings and about 1/2 inch apart.
The 607 flares VERY tight and around 2-3 rings.
This is going to be the BEST dry lane ball, i can't waite to adjust the surface and have a great cheetah and LATE shift ball.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH