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Author Topic: Track's New Numbering System  (Read 6003 times)


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Track's New Numbering System
« on: July 01, 2009, 09:59:16 AM »
930T. Ugggggggggh.

I have been an avid Track fan. But the new naming system just does not appeal to me.

I still throw my Power Machine. My brother's go to ball is a freak-a-zoid that I plugged and drilled for him a couple of years ago.

Out of the new track, the Kinetic was a great ball for me. The Rising was a dud. The Uprising was o.k. but nothing spectacular. I almost purchased a used SE just to try it out but passed and bought a VG.

I hope there is  more feedback on the new numbered balls. That is about the only thing that will get be back on Track.

Right now, I am riding the Storm with the uneducated masses.

Those that can do. Those that can''t complain. Pimpin ain''t easy, but it''s mandatory.

Most things we like, we don''t need. Most things we need, we don''t like. Don''t confuse your likes with your needs.

Edited on 7/1/2009 6:30 PM



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Re: Track's New Numbering System
« Reply #61 on: July 10, 2009, 01:31:59 AM »
i have to agree with NJ stroker on this one. The robo core made me a track die hard, but each to his own.

I for one am looking forward to mitch's analysis of the new pieces

Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Track's New Numbering System
« Reply #62 on: July 10, 2009, 02:34:11 AM »

Has anybody else noticed that some of the stuff is similar in color to some of the older Track stuff????

When I saw the Rising I couldn't help but think that was the intention to try and appeal to the old school equipment.

Like the original Rising having the same colors from the Critical Mass.
The Rising SE similar in color to the original Heat. The new 7 and 9 series looking like the Xception and Sensor Xcel.

Lou is there anything to that or just happened by chance?


Rising SE

7 series

9 series
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Yes some of the stuff does look some older equipment. The 5 looks like the Xception not the 7, and the 9 has the same color looks of a Playmaker.

i have to agree with NJ stroker on this one. The robo core made me a track die hard, but each to his own.

I for one am looking forward to mitch's analysis of the new pieces

To back up Mitch with what he said about the Machines and Robos. Most of the reason these balls were not liked was because of the covers, not the cores. Goo was ok but it wasnt the go and do everything cover. Most of the last products put out had GOO has a base reactive. I remember sitting down at a dinner with Mitch there last year and this was one of things we talked about. We thought the cores were great but the later covers with versions of Goo didnt help alot of balls. Two of the last balls put out from the old plant that were different were the Inertia and the Power Machine. They were both great balls and they didnt have any form of GOO on them.

I for one loved my normal Machine, Robo, and Mean Machine (may or maynot have had some form of goo in its cover). However the layout and surface of the Machine were done to help me score on shorter oil patterns. The Robo and the Mean did almost the same thing. The Robo for me was able to work on alot more oil then the Mean. However my favorit ball with GOO on it was the Rule Delta 1. Not alot of people liked that ball however the guys who did know who they are. Yet for the most part the problem with alot of the latter balls was from the continued use of Goo in the covers on the balls.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Youngstown, Ohio
Track Live Chat Tech Support

Tag Team Coaching Success Story.

Edited on 7/10/2009 3:28 AM
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
Bowling Ball Driller


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Re: Track's New Numbering System
« Reply #63 on: July 10, 2009, 03:16:34 AM »
i also heard the robo core and all hte multi piece cores actually ended up seperating and shifting easier which led to a lot more x-outs.
Storm Virtual Gravity
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Re: Track's New Numbering System
« Reply #64 on: July 10, 2009, 08:31:39 AM »
i have to agree with NJ stroker on this one. The robo core made me a track die hard, but each to his own.

Same here, especially when I think about the Power Machine.  However, what Track guy here didn't know that about me already?  

I guess there were a few people around here that had some interest in the 505 and the 715-I saw two of each in the shop yesterday.  Apparently, they were waiting to see what I did with them before they laid them out.  I don't even know what to tell them.
You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.