For me the 718A is is 3-4 boards stronger than the 715A and WAY MORE angular. The reason I say it sets the standard, is because I haven't seen a ball this angular in a while. Also I believe this ball fills a need a most bowlers. With all of the hooking balls out there, this ball is a must have. It clears the front with ease and consistently gets around the corner. For me this ball fixes an over under problem I have with most shiny balls. The lane starts to hook, but I can't move left because of the puddle in the middle of the lane. This ball reads through the oil very nicely. Most people who get this ball will be surprised just how good this ball is. If anyone needs any help let me know.
Nails there is a video of it on Track's website
Track Regional Staff
Edited by Curt_Dupre on 2/2/2011 at 10:46 AM