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Author Topic: 912T video and my opinion  (Read 4258 times)


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912T video and my opinion
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:47:07 PM »
Here's a video I did for the 912T vs the 716T since these are the two balls I'm constantly asked to compare.  I had fellow staffer Andy Cline and myself using them since we have two very different styles.  To me the two are very close in overall strength.  The difference to me is the 912T is the same amount of overall hook but further down lane with more recovery where the 716T is earlier and much smoother.  This is only my second video ever and already have a lot of ideas from friends and customers to make it better but please, any and all constructive comments to help it improve to be what YOU want to see are appreciated.  Either comment on here or email me directly.  A few things that will be improved in the next video.   Lighting (currently too dark), pre shot routine will be removed to help with shot time and I'll do more shots overall, layout, bowlers statistics (rev rate, speed, tilt, etc.)  Enjoy and please subscribe as I will be doing a video for every ball released. 

« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 01:53:22 PM by Dave-bestbowlingproshops »
Dave Roberts
Best Bowling Pro Shops
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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 05:56:45 PM »
I must not be seeing the video correctly.  Both balls seem to react the same.  I do not see any differeetween the two.  Were both balls drilled with the same layout? Did both have the same cover prep? Based on the video,  they overlap each other.


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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 06:02:04 PM »
No you're seeing it right and this is something I was afraid of and think I have a solution for so it doesn't happen again.  Both balls are drilled EXACTLY the same with the EXACT same cover prep.  With these too on a house pattern it's so slight but house was the only thing I had access too.  If you watch it again Andy and I are a few boards right at the arrows with the 716T and it was a pinch smoother on the back.   It's slight but it's there.  Next video I think I'm either going to overlap the two at the end or put a "tracer" line with each marked for each ball so the difference has more of a visual effect. 
Dave Roberts
Best Bowling Pro Shops
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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 06:05:50 PM »
Also thanks for the reply and're the first one to say that.  Which I'm surprised about.  When editing it was the first thing I thought was that a vast majority of people couldn't see the difference because it was even hard for me when reviewing it.  Maybe doing the videos on certain "sport" patterns would help show the difference. 
Dave Roberts
Best Bowling Pro Shops
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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 06:25:42 PM »
Check out this Track official video with Mitch Beasley and Mike Fagan
Shows the difference in the balls very clearly

I have recently asked Mitch about the 912T and he told me that it was 3-4 stronger than the 716T, close to the same motion as the 716t, but not exactly


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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2012, 06:29:59 PM »
I've seen that one.  I think with better lighting and the experience I got from this one I can make better vids that hopefully show more what I actually see when using them.  I believe that are different shapes and I can see the difference pretty easily on the lanes, just in my video it wasn't as obvious.  I'll get it there at some point.  ;D Again imo close to the same strength but different parts of the lane. 
Dave Roberts
Best Bowling Pro Shops
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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 03:06:00 PM »
Looks like wood lanes. Don't you think synthetic would amplify the difference? As you said the patterns  too. Great video, bowlers specs too.


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Re: 912T video and my opinion
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2012, 03:10:05 PM »
I agree.  We are re-shooting our 300A video on synthetic and hopefully can add the suggested changes.  Thanks for the suggestions.

Looks like wood lanes. Don't you think synthetic would amplify the difference? As you said the patterns  too. Great video, bowlers specs too.
Dave Roberts
Best Bowling Pro Shops
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