It comes out Thursday. Who is getting one? As for me I just ordered 2 more. It really has a unique ball motion. It reads the midlane, and gives me an angle to the pocket like nothing I have ever seen. Bowled in a tournament yesterday shot 289 245 278 300 for the first four throwing the 916AT. Yes I did happen to win the tournament. The two I have, one is drilled pin below the bridge with a hole 5 inches from pin on the side. The next one is pin above my middle finger with a low hole. For me I use these as a one two punch for our slick house shot. Pin down on the fresh, and then pin up when I can open up the lanes. What is unique is that these two layouts give me two different reactions. So far I haven't shine one yet to give me the angular motion, but that is why I ordered the other ones. We have another staffer that has shined one and say it gives him a lot of angle on the back part of the lane. I hope everyone tries this one out. Look for a Track demo in your area.
Track Regional Staff