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Author Topic: 919C vs Nexus Solid and 811A vs Nexus Pearl  (Read 1490 times)


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919C vs Nexus Solid and 811A vs Nexus Pearl
« on: January 05, 2012, 03:44:10 PM »
For anyone who has thrown these pieces, how does the Track 919C compare to the Nexus Solid and how does the 811A compare to the Nexus Pearl? 
Thanks in advance.

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DeadWood Pro Shop

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Re: 919C vs Nexus Solid and 811A vs Nexus Pearl
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 03:34:39 PM »
 Check out our videos on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel @ DeadWoodProShop. I have shots of every ball except the 919c posted. The nexus peal has more midland with a smoother shape to the pocket. The 811a is a shiny hook monster that goes long and turns the corner hard. The nexus solid is a solid ball. It will roll earlier and be smoother to the pocket, and great in oil. The 919c is a dull hybrid. Expect a stronger backed with the 919. It's all about what reaction you are looking for. You can't argue with the results rash had at the wsob with his nexus stuff. Personally, I felt there was a larger than expected gap between the nexus solid and pearl on a slick flat shots. So I drilled the 811 to compliment my nexus solid. Hope this helps.  

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