Right you are! I have two of these thus far, with a third already in the plans for drilling...
The first one is pin over ring, MB kicked right, weighthole on my midline, 2" past my PAP, surface is 2000 grit plus Factory Finish (4 1/2 x 4 1/2 roughly). This ball is just amazing, VERY good on house shots, VERY good on lighter patterns when you have to circle the lane, VERY good on sport patterns, VERY good on the Masters pattern... :-)
The second one is pin under bridge, MB kicked right, roughly a P2 weighthole (very little change to flare), have thrown it 1000 grit and 2000 plus Factory Finish (5 x 4 roughly)...ball is definitely earlier despite the weaker pin, but definitely due to the stronger surface and stronger MB, ball still manages to get around the corner pretty well too...
The first ball is easily my favorite Track ball of all the ones that have been released so far (though the 920A and 715C are not too far behind...), I haven't thrown the second one very much as it was drilled just before I went to the Masters and didn't get much time on the lanes while I was there.
Andrew Loose
"Technology is anything that's really cool that you don't know how it works, and if it breaks, you have to buy a new one!"