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Author Topic: 920T opinions  (Read 4721 times)


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920T opinions
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:19:26 PM »
Picked up A 920T for next to nothing from I guy I new. Hasn't used it much less than 20 games on it. Just wanted to get some opinions on it. Who liked it who didn't Is it very angular,can you play a direct line on certain patterns. Any body polish it up wat did do and how is it on carry down.
Willie Beamen aka The Silencer



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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 08:16:06 AM »
That is by far the worst 900 series ball IMO. Very condition sensitive. I saw 4 or 5 people use it when it 1st came out and no one liked it. It was also not a very good seller so that's why you got it so cheap. Someone had a NIB 920T on here for months and don't think it ever sold.

But try it out, you might like it..
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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 06:12:07 PM »
In my opinion, the best ball I've probably ever thrown. However, most people don't know how to tune the surface on it and thus don't get the most out of the ball. The key to this ball is putting a fresh 2000 surface on it and then just log some games on it to get a nice sheen going. When you first throw it the ball will almost be to even and you'll favor other balls because of the lack of a defined "flip" in the back end. Once the ball develops a nice sheen the ball will finally develop that little bit of flip that you need.

I will note, like most, when I first got the ball I was supremely disappointed. I would only use it in practice, but one day the ball just seemed to change once it got that "sheen." Now it is always the first ball out of my bag, and I would note that I've shot more honor scores and logged my highest average (238) while primarily using this ball.

I would put the ball as the perfect mix of the 920A and the 505T in terms of ball reaction. It is strong in the back, but not quite as flippy as the 920A, but a little later than the 505T while still retaining energy to let you use it all night.

As I said before though, the key is that it is a very cover sensitive ball, so once you find that sweet spot you need to keep it clean and every 15 few games go over it with a light wet sand with 2000 or 4000 by hand.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 08:51:59 AM by MrPerfect »


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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 09:15:11 PM »
I will note, that like most when I first got the ball I was supremely disappointed and I just used it in practice but one day the ball just seemed to change once it got that "sheen." Now it is always the first ball of my bag, and I would note that I've shot more honor scores and logged my highest average (238) while primarily using this ball.

I would put the ball as the perfect mix of the 920A and the 505T in terms of ball reaction. It is strong in the back, but not quite flippy, but a little later than the 505T.

The key though is that it is a very cover sensitive ball, so once you find that sweet spot you need to keep it clean and every few games go over it with a light wet sand with 2000 or 4000 by hand.

I would definitely agree with that summary!  One of the better arc type a bit over medium balls I have used.  I have liked it enough to drill two.  They don't go nuts off the friction but have enough strength too carry corners.

Those that want to see that flip-continuation leaving 9 pins for righties dislike like 920A better.  On flatter conditions it shines.  House conditions not so much.  505T earlier unless you are a way under it forward roll player very high track with some hit on the ball.  920A more angular.  916AT not impressed (cover), 919C any better than 920T I kinda doubt it.  912T hmmm keep bringing out equipment is it really any better?



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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2012, 08:53:47 AM »
I like the last few sentences that Scott said.  The shuttle 5 series core & line were the best, very many liked the 607a and that legion core.  I haven't met anyone who liked anything high end number wise.  The 716c had some buzz bow that cores gone. Id buy a megatron core 9 series ball...that was their best HP line since the buyout, I thoroughly enjoy seeing people bust out their risings.  My Up-rising was a spectacle out of the box. Back to basics, back to what sold. 
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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2012, 09:48:31 AM »
Not a huge fan, tried my 2 favorite drillings (60 x 5 x 40) pin above bridge mass bias an inch right of the thumb, and (70 x 5 x 70) pin below bridge, mass bias down and slightly to the right of the thumb.  With both drillings, I tried many different surface preps, and nothing really did the trick for me.  It was alright on a house pattern, but anything more than that, the ball had a hard time reading in the midlane, or it would see friction and quit on the backend.  Not the ideal type of ball motion if you were to ask me...

Mike Austin

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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2012, 10:15:15 AM »
My 920T was the first Track ball I drilled when getting on staff with them in May.  Another shop here in town had it, so I thought I would get it from him and try it.  At first I didn't really think it was very "T", and being a 9 series ball, I thought it should handle oil better.  I used it a number of times, and it got some gunk on it that I couldn't wipe off with a towel, so I hit it a 2000 pad on the spinner with some Hook It cleaner as the lubrication instead of water, and then a "dirty" polishing towel to put a little shine/sheen back on, and this ball is a beast.  Very controllable.  Handles oil fairly well, but really more of a medium/benchmark type ball.  I like it when the lanes are slick/ugly, this ball doesn't do anything stupid.

Overall a nice rolling ball, hits good, I think you will like it with some surface adjustments.
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David Lee Yskes

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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2012, 02:16:13 PM »
your best bet, is to just plug n drill the ball up, with a drilling that you like... and use it for a couple of games..  and then see how it works.

I did this with my 916AT... a lot of people didnt like this ball, but i got one on the cheap, and drilled it up like my old Virtual Gravity and love the 916at..

it is so predictable at the break that it's almost unfair.. 

I have my 716C drilled up the same way, but it's polished so its a lil bit straighter than my 916at  ..  and its a lil bit more flippy on the back end too
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Re: 920T opinions
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2013, 03:08:19 AM »
I love the 920T   It depends on the layout. Mine is pin below the bridge on the GCL MB out 3"  Polished surface. Use the ball on some carrydown. That layout and surface work great for me. Does not squirt through the fronts, is very readable and strong in the back. Good continuation  Great hitting and carry