I just wanted to give some quick feedback about the newer products.
Sorry I couldnt come aroung to posting this before, been busy working on a
few things.
I am getting alot of positive feedback about all of the equipment,
especially the Rule and the FAZ. It fits well with everyone's
needs/wants. The FAZ bridges the gap in most of my clients arsenal. For the
crankers, they are loving the Hexplosion and the Sheer Havoc. The versatility of the WOW 2 cover stock on the Hexplosion, and not to mention the price,
allows everyone to try new drillings and fall in love with this ball.
Since we dont have too many bowling centers that have a heavy
concentration on oil on the lanes, the FAZ, Sheer Havoc and the Hexplosion is by far the better balls for your average bowler out here in Ontario. The Rule has it's success as well, but more entry level bowlers are intimidated by the
As for me, I have been falling short of a few honour scores, but still
posting high numbers. I use my Rule in league play and just move deep
with it. I have posted a 745, 768 and a 781 since league started with the
Rule. 2 weeks ago, during my coaching session, I had a "beat the coach"
competition with the kids. The FAZ was giving me the best control since
the lanes were quite sloppy. I whooped those kids right out of the centre
with a 245, 279, 259, 300. I felt bad that no one beat me, so I treated the
kids a pizza lunch...that would be pretty traumatizing for me if I was a kid.

Hope you guys like the new equipment that is being released...You guys will hear more from me soon!
keep up the good bowling everyone!!
Byron Cruz
BOC Bowling Supplies
Track Intl. Advisory Staff