Hmmm, let's see if i can help with this... Here's some info on the Mean, from my experiences..
Mean Machine characteristics:
- Absorbs oil VERY FAST
- Hits very hard
That's just the small talk, here's some real info..
My Mean hit like a truck. It was very continuous through the deck, and stopped at nothing. Hooked in everything. My Mean would get down the lane, further down the lane than you say about your MaX, but it would come roaring back. WARNING: DON'T USE THIS BALL ON ANYTHING BUT HEAVY OIL!! That's serious, too. Like i said before, the oil absorbing rate is amazing! My line change in 5 frames. No exaggeration either.
That's all i got for now, if ya need me to expaling deeper, than ask
BrIan Formerly known as Hammer33MEan MAchine,
ACtion PAcked,
DEsert HeAt"Join the Revolution.. or be Destroyed by it!"
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