I know someone who has a 5.0, but it is way to strong by the end of the 2nd game. He wants to stick with Track, so what would be a good ball for him. He used to throw a Slay/r, which is obviously MUCH weaker then a 5.0, but he wants something similar or a little stronger then a Punisher. I don't know if that would be a Heat, or a FAZ. I don't throw Track, so I couldn't possibly begin to tell him what I think. So, I am coming to the experts on this one. What would you guys suggest.
btw, long oil pattern, he does not have a whole lot of speed, if I had to guess, prolly around 14-15mph. Medium revs. Does not like to swing the ball out a whole lot, but he has to with the 5.0 by the 3rd game, and he becomes WAY to uncomfortable at that point.
Thanks in advance!!