quote:quote:Whats next, Washing Machine, LOL. Keeps the lanes sparkling clean! LOL.Dj--------------------The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on BallReviews.com do not necessarily state or reflect those of the BallReviews.com.No, they are naming the next machine after me. The..........SEX MACHINE!The Ball to Penetrate any Pocket and make it screammmmmmmm! rotflmfao--------------------Marlene SixkillerMay this Angelic Bowlerrest in peace.....1/5/39-10/29/04Active member and hit man for the Track Legion.Check my profile for good transactions with members on br.com
quote:Whats next, Washing Machine, LOL. Keeps the lanes sparkling clean! LOL.Dj--------------------The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on BallReviews.com do not necessarily state or reflect those of the BallReviews.com.