I know everybody asks this question, so I am gonna do it too. I am in the process of renewing my arsenal. (just updating my equipment). Here is what I am thinking as of now. Am I missing anything? Any suggestions.
Heavy: Rule/Mutant
Med/Heavy: Exception
Med: Freak-a-Zoid/Freak-Out
Med/Dry: Havoc
Dry: Dry Heat
Spare: White Dot
Balls I was going to retire: Threat, Phenom
I was tinkering around the idea of also either adding a Phenom Unleashes or an Animal, but I don't have infinite funds plus I don't bowl enough tournaments to justify getting anymore balls.
One last question, how does the Freak-a-Zoid handle carrydown? I know my Freak-Out takes care of it with no problem. Thank You in advance.
Altoona, PA
1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat
4. Dry Heat
5. Havoc
6. Rule
7. TPC Shooter XL
8. Mutant
"I believe in the strike. The spare. The Turkey. Playing the gutter. I believe that the 7-10 split is a message from God. I believe hard work is a better investmant than luck. And that 300 is a reward rather than an achievement. I believe that bowling should be an Olympic sport. AND I believe if your're going to bowl, BOWL TO WIN." -Ebonite ad. (sorry Track folks, love this quote)