I will be in Steubenville this weekend bowling the Ohio InterCity tournament. I am bowling team on Saturday and Doubles/Singles on Sunday. I talked to Rev-O, who bowled last weekend, and the lanes can become fried quickly and his left knee was hurting the following day from how sticky the approaches were.
I am taking the following equipment:
3 GP2s
(1. drilled pin by ring-cg toward PAP, Mass bias on VAL, factory surface-OIL MONSTER) (2. my favorite drill-pin under ring, cg palm, mass bias left of thumb, factory surface (813 ball)) (3. same drill as #2, but highly polished with Magic Shine)
Xception(drilled as #2 GP2 from above-factory surface)
Heat(drilled as #2 GP2 from above-factory surface)
I will be gone all weekend, but as soon as I can, I will report back which balls I used when and how I scored, bad or good.
Have a nice weekend!
TEAM EVENT (1st shift-Fresh oil)
Heard from a few people (Rev included) inside was the shot, don't mess outside 10...too over under as there was a TON of oil outside. If you played striaght up, ball wanted to go forever. Angle it toward the pocket a tisker, watch it ake off! Took GP2 #2(813 ball) and started inside. Quicky found out with my end over end roll (no tilt) this would NOT work. People who had tilt could play this line, and even when I slowed down, the ball still didn't get the job done. So, instead of switching, I moved to the out of bounds to try to play straight at the pocket. If I hit 4, ball went dead straight and I hoped for anything but a washout. If I hit 7, through the nose we go. Throw in a few missed spares, and the result was 570.
If I could have made the ball turn over on the backend, inside was the place to be.
DOUBLES (3rd shift-fresh oil as they re-oil before 3rd shift)
Tried 1 shot on inside with each ball, same results as yesterday. Either ball rolled up too early or not enough. Settled on taking GP2 #3 (same drill as #2, but HIGHLY polished) and went back outside, but further right than Saturday in team event. After getting adjusted to throwing ropes up 5, I had more room inside as the ball was not as sensitive to the drier than the dull GP2 drilled the same way. Was high set on the pair with 607.
SINGLES (stay on same pair as doubles)
Stuck with the same line, ball, everything. MY CARRY WENT OUT THE DOOR. I had 22!!! 9 counts in the three games, including 4 stoned 7s (I am right handed). Made all 22 single pin spares of them, but I only threw 7 strikes in the three games and throw in 2 splits, and 570 was all I could muster.
Overall, I wish I had more axis tilt. Guys I bowled team with won every jackpot today 240s plus every game playing 3rd arrow an in. One guy throws without a thumb, and he was a striking machine, 700s in team 750 in doubles, and 720s in singles....
If you have any questions, please write.
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460
Edited on 5/1/2005 8:09 PM