Where I can use the Animal, it performs the best out of any of the equipment that I have. I gain a nice slow arc to the pocket, the pins are kept low and outside of my own ball speed which can leave the occasional corner, in my Monday night league house I'm averaging 244 plus with it for the 3 weeks I've been able to use the ball. When there isn't enough head oil though, I need to put the ball away. I'm trying to see if I can use it more in the Tuesday night league house a little more, but with the weird oiling conditions (sometimes back ends, sometimes not....outsides very erratic, insides dry) it's been a hit or miss with this ball there.
Now all I need to do is get a medium/heavy ball as time permits and money allows...I saw another guy in our league throwing a Rule and crushing racks, probably shot 735 with it tonight.
Thanks Rick, Excalibur and everyone else that I've had questions about concerning Track equipment, I think along with Storm they produce first class balls with great versatility and hitting power.