Ramtart's Delta 1 Mini Review
Weight = #15.4 (Starting Weight)
Pin = 3"
Top Weight = 3oz
Right handed
Track = High (Next to middle finger and over edge of thumb)
Style = Power Stroker
Pap = 5 1/2 > 5/8 ^
Rest of stats in Profile
Layout = 5.5 x 4 MB (Pin directly under bridge and MB in Strong Position)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/128177/RamtartsBowlingBalls/delta1_a.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/128177/RamtartsBowlingBalls/delta1_b.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/128177/RamtartsBowlingBalls/delta1_c.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/128177/RamtartsBowlingBalls/delta1_d.jpg(Sorry guys some pics are a pinch blurry)
Games as of 9/08/05 = 10 Games
Shot some games with Rick (tenpinspro) at his House (Synthetic Lanes)
Lanes were medium-heavy with OOB around inside of the 2nd arrow. Backends were clean.
Both of us couldn't keep the ball of the headpin! His Delta 1 is drilled similar to mine. This ball just wouldn't quit and kept driving. I was really amazed at this piece. With my GP2 I had to square up to get the ball through the oil. Playing the Oil line with the GP2 the ball would come in light or go through the nose if I let up on speed. Playing the same line with the Delta 1 this ball went Brooklyn! Believe it or not, we both kept moving left till I was laying this ball down deep between the 3rd arrow on the left side and the 4th arrow. The ball even ate through some of the OOB and made it's move to the pocket.
Bowling in the 2nd house (Wood Lanes), I encountered more of a medium oil pattern with decent backends. This ball was still too much. I played deep at this house as well (Around 4th arrow with lots of room to the right). I did leave my first solid 9 and left a few ringing tens. As long as I kept my speed up I could get this ball through the heads.
I am still waiting to play on some heavily oiled lanes to see how much it could handle. I haven't been able to play an outside line consistently, because it is just soo strong.
Rick and I were amazed that we didn't leave any Solid "9" pins at his synthetic house. The entry angle of this ball is something that I've never seen. It was either splitting the 8-9 or driving straight through the 8 pin through the deck.
Rick actually went High Flush on one shot and left the "9-10" something we all have never seen before. We were cracking up for a good 5 minutes.
Overall, with the way the ball is laid out and conditions it was tested on, it surprised me on the Synthetics with the ability to actually eat through some of the "Out of Bounds." Rick was explaining to me the "Black & White" shot they usually see at their house. Meaning that there were no gimmies. No free hook or swing area. The Delta took the OOB out of play. It was eye opening and kinda weird at the same time.
FINAL THOUGHTS THUS FAR: This ball revs up a bunch and the backend with out of box surface is very strong. I would characterize the backend shape as a very strong arc. To get this ball to push I either had to keep up my speed or change hand positions (spin it a bit to get more axis rotation). This ball reads the midlane very well and I am surprised it doesn't lose any energy for the back. Nice addition to the Assymetrical line Track.
I'll keep you guys updated and will post videos soon.
Good luck, good bowling and Best Regards,
"Heck Yes!"
Napoleon DynamiteEdited on 9/8/2005 4:05 PM
Edited on 9/8/2005 4:11 PM
Edited on 9/9/2005 0:09 AM