Former co-worker of mine asked if I had any 14 lb. balls and I told her the only one I had was my AU that I picked up to try out 14 lb. vs. 15 lb. equipment.
She has a Red and Teal Power Groove and a Smash/R that she uses and I was wondering how much a AU would differ from the Smash/R?
I'd say her Smash/R is drilled 4"x5" with the pin a little over 2" above the ML, and my AU is 4"x5" to mb with a small diameter hole near the PAP.
Considering the surfaces are the same what differences would one see between these two balls?
American beer is like making love in a canoe. It's f*cking close to water. - Monty Python
If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs. - David Daye