For me, my GP2 I mainly use is factory surface and is 3-4 boards stronger than the Animal I have drilled identical to it. I have used the GP2 for 5 months now, have shot 300, a couple of 800s, 799, and 791 again last week (2 stone 8s the last game cost me, including the second ball in the tenth was a stone 8-needed to strike for

. As bad as this may sound, my main GP2 has at least 300 games on it and I have yet to resurface it(almost no dings) or EVEN CLEAN IT. Yes, this goes against everything I teach as a pro shop owner/competitive bowler. However, it has not lost any of its reaction, thus I do not see any reason for me to do anything to it at this time. Additionally, I have 2 other GP2s right now and have plans to carry 6-8 GP2s with me this year. It fits my game perfect, and I have seen many other bowlers use it with success as well. I track high and have success, I have drilled some for mid trackers, and they have had success, and I have drilled one for a spinner, and he has had success. The only time I have not had success with my factory surface GP2 is when there is lighter oil or the heads go away. The dual particle GOO cover and core is just too strong for dry lanes and will burn itself out quick on this condition. However, I have a GP2 drilled identical to my factory surface GP2 (pin under ring, cg palm, mass bias left of thumb in track) but hit it with 4 coats of Magic Shine on all 4 sides of the ball and it gets down the lane VERY WELL and makes a big move on the backend! Great ball for me to switch to when the other one starts to go early.
The Animal doesn't handle the volume of oil the GP2 does, but still has uses. Throw some shine on and I would have a nice separation bewteen the GP2 and Animal and a go to ball instead of the other GP2.
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460