I am a devoted Track user. Except for my spare ball (a Pink Hammer) my entire operational setup is Track. Yes, even for the dry conditions, I have a Heat 2 and Heat 2 Pearl that have died, but I keep them for real deserts.
That being said, I totally agree that Track might be missing the boat in hook-monster production. My main arsenal is a Track Threat, Track Hex and Track Money. The Threat and the Hex are less than six months old.
The problem for Track is that they can roll out a dozen new balls. But this customer won't be paying for them because the ones I have are fine. I have hook...I don't need more hook. The ones I have will suffice for quite awhile.
Now if, instead of hitting the hook-monster market, they released something exclusively to hit the dry lanes, I would be the first in line to get one...and I am willing to be in an informal poll, many of you would be in line with me.
They do need to broaden their line instead of sticking with the high end stuff.