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Author Topic: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?  (Read 1860 times)

Mr Track

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anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« on: December 21, 2003, 06:56:36 PM »
i just wanted to collect some information about dry lane drillings for a CRUNCH.
Chuck @ Track suggested a 5 1/2 x 5(negetive, righty) for my self.

im just not too sure if the carry and the roll would be the same...i remember when i was a stroker with a low track, this ball rolled over the thumb for that i have a different style, with a high track, i fear that this will happen again.

please help...thanks!
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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2003, 10:58:38 AM »
I think the Crunch's cover is fairly strong. I can imagine drilling it weak, sanding it extra fine, and polishing it up to FORCE it to handle medium-light oil patterns. I CANNOT imagine that you could do anything to it to FORCE it to handle TRUE dry lanes, unless you have exceptionally high ball speed. I don;t even know why you would try.

The Crunchtime and the new Dry Heat are better candidates for trying to force them to be dry lanes.
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Mr Track

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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2003, 11:21:41 AM »
sorry, i have to make a correction to Chuck's recommendation.....he suggested the negative drilling polished with magic shine...

and i would have to correct you(charlest) on your recommendation of the crunch time being for a dryer lane ball...i have my CT drilled 12 oclock stacked and this ball turns like a beast i know that this isn't the weakest drilling, but it isn't the most aggressive at the same time. i used my CT on DRY lanes this past weekend, and i had to throw is faster just to get it through the heads..i was throwing it right over the left gutter and it still turned hard.

i have a few dry heats in stock, but im kinda worried about drilling it up.  I read too many reviews of this ball hooking a ton...until i see or hear of this ball actually doing what it is suppose to do, then i will keep on considering the CRUNCH
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Edited on 12/22/2003 12:23 PM


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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2003, 11:27:35 AM »

and i would have to correct you(charlest) on your recommendation of the crunch time being for a dryer lane ball...

Mr. Track, you missed it....he didn't say that, he said it was a better "candidate" for a drier lane ball.........I'd have to agree.....
Hello, I just lowered my track !

Mr Track

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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2003, 11:34:27 AM »
recommendation...candidate...same difference
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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2003, 11:35:26 AM »
it's certainly a better choice than a ball designed for medium w/ carrydown....
Hello, I just lowered my track !

Mr Track

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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2003, 11:44:52 AM »
i understand that the pearl cover would be best, but i currently throw both balls and i prefer to drill the CRUNCH w/polish for a weak ball considering the cover/core would give me more recovery. My opinion..
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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2003, 07:22:59 AM »
Hi Mr. Track,

If memory serves me correctly, your PAP is 5' right?  So this layout would cause you to cheat the pin(neg pin)?  As I talked to TwoHand 834 regarding the same problem, it does want to tend to thump(he did).  If you're inverted, it'll clip the fingers and if you're pap is above the midline, it'll want to clip the thumb.  Basically, it takes all the backend out of the ball thus giving it a very controlled look.  

I polished the heck out of mine and I do agree with you, with just a little head oil, it goes a long way and opens up the backend.  My layout was(5x3) pin splitting fingers.  Want to try something bizarre, I've only drilled about 3 of them but so far it works pretty well, place cg in the center of grip and aim the pin to 5:30, yes, 5:30(just a little right of thumb).  This hasn't thumped for my customers that I know of and their tracks are relatively high.  This sends the ball real long with controllable backs.

The reasoning for the insane choice guys is the ability to get 45 ft and still have enough surface to open it up(vs harder surface to plastic).  This is nothing new, my tour buddies have been doing it since urethane days.  They chose super high gloss urethane over yellow dots cause it didn't see any spottyness and it opened up the backend over plastic.  High enough demand to where even manufactures started producing factory polished urethanes.  Sorry, my age is showing, some of you are too young to even know what I'm talking about...anyway, one last note..I'm not sure about you guys but my Crunch Time hooks...quite a bit as a matter of fact.  I need to talk to Del about the 25 rating that was given to this ball because it definately isn't for me.  I'm seeing and listening to different reactions with this ball.  Good luck Mr T, get hold of me if you need anything else.....
Rick Leong
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Mr Track

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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2003, 11:34:18 AM »

my pap is 5 - 5 1/2" out....

hmmm...5:30 huh? that sounds very interesting! is that not a full roller drilling though?!?

i put some clean N sheen on my crunch now(from a 600 grit surface, now to a high gloss finish) and it work great for me...but the lanes weren't dry so i wouldn't know how that's gonna work when i experience no head gonna take this ball to dayton, ohio this weekend where i will be playing in a mid-west tourney.  i will keep it polished and bring back some reviews.

as for the Crunch Time, i used mine(12 o'clock stacked, pin above bridge) last night for the first time on 43 feet of oil/unstripped(CARRY DOWN CARYY DOWN!) playing straight up 8 with tons of hand....this ball still turned like an animal! i agree with you rick, definitly NOT a 25 rating ball....and too angular for a dryer lane ball!(thanks ex)

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Re: anyone drill a crunch for dry lanes?
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2003, 03:53:05 AM »
One of the standard full roller patterns is pin 7:30 from cg for RH.  

The other pattern I forgot to mention is the old label axis(did'em on blk hammers).  Shift left 6 inches from cg, place pin at least or above finger level.  This will leave approx. 2 to 3 ounces of pos side, drill the weight hole thru cg.  You might end up creating bottom weight(I do), but this gives the ball a very smooth long reaction throughout.  Basically ending up with a 1-2x0 pattern.  I redrilled my Mutant during the summer to this because I was getting too much O/U from it and I shot 300 the second time using it.  It allowed me to stay in the dirt a lot longer but didn't see any hang or spotty oil down the lane.  I actually drilled this pattern back in 80's for ABC Nationals in Niagara Falls to play the reverse then.  Hope this helps bud, whackem in Dayton!
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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