I have to chime in on this a bit. I was not exagerating the improved scores for my buddy. He has liked MoRich stuff for the past couple of years, so he wanted a WMB. I drilled it up for him. He had moderate success with it. In our one league which is a one of the more difficult houses in our area he was averaging 185 for the midseason average report. He decided while struggling one night he wanted to try my GP2, he used it for 3 weeks during that league. Finally he had me drill one up for him. After using a GP2 (drilled nearly identical to his GP2) for about 2 1/2 months he has his average up to 193 I believe. An average swing that high this late in year is pretty good. So with the success he had with the GP2, he decided he wanted the Xception, his first real night out in league with that ball he shot 300.
I am not saying that throwing Track is going to give you better scores vs another piece of equipment for sure......I said "His scores immediately went up". And his scores have gone up. I sure wish I could get him to actually get a username and speak up on this subject. He reads these forums daily. SO SMITTY, log on and speak your piece.
I also want to comment on the being bias quote. I really like Track's equipment, but read through my reviews (there are many of them on this site), I am honest about the reaction I get out of any ball I have thrown. I do not make things up. My suggestion of the GP2 over the WMB is simply because I have seen it outperform the WMB many times over by many different styles of bowlers.
Another thing I want to comment on is the coverstock issue with the WMB. SORRY, but there are coverstock issues. Throw the ball awhile and you will notice the coverstock changes color. Coverstocks do not do this for no good reason, something is going on there. Every person that has purchased this ball from me, or uses it in my center asks me why the track area turns dark grey to nearly black after use----and then loses reaction. Others have asked me why the ball tracks up so quickly.
I can take criticism. When it comes to me suggesting a ball to a bowler I suggest the ball that I honestly feel is better----if that ball is a Track ball, great, if it isn't atleast I am giving my honest, unbiased opinion.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff