Due to the fact that my EPX-T1 died out after less than 50 games, I recently talked to my pro shop guy. After sending the proper messaging to Columbia's headquarters, I got word today that I could choose anything made from Columbia's stash. This even included Track and AMF 300. Of course you know I chose Track. Decided to get a ball I have never had and went with the Angular. I can finally say I have owned all three arsenals. I sold my Aggressive to a buddy of mine about 4 months ago. I obtained this ball tonight, I think this ball would fit below my Solution Solid but above my EX. At least that's a first guess from me...I was wondering what all of you thought, where could I fit this one in the arsenal. I have the Rule Delta 1, Arsenal Reactive, Solution Solid, Solution EX, and Desert Heat...where could this one go? Just wanting some opinions and thoughts...God Bless you all and have a Merry Christmas!!!
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