I agree with Michael on the Dessert Heat. In my opinion it is excellant for dry lanes. However if you are wanting to stick with a 3 ball line up I would suggest trying to find a Heat. I think that would be a pretty good 3 ball arsenal. Personally I have all three balls that you are refering to as well as the Heat Blast. I have my Heat Blast and Freak A Zoid laided out the same way and for me both balls react very similar to one another. Heat Blast seems to be a tad bit more aggressive than the FAZ but not by much. Anyways I hope this helps. Good Luck
The question isn't why do I throw all Track, it's why don't you.
Arsenal includes:
Rule GP2, Rule Delta 1, Slash, Heat Blast, Heat, Desert Heat, Pearlized Triton Elite
Edited on 6/2/2006 5:18 AM