I took the ball in and had it weighed.
The statics were all legal. 1/2 oz. of side wt., little finger, can't remember the TW.
I had my driller open the thumb enough so I could throw the ball, even though the span is about 1/2 shorter than my span.
I threw the ball3 times, it reacted well, not as big a hooking ball, as I thought it would be.
I'm sure that is due to the ball not fitting and also being a pound heavier than I normally roll.
After 3 shots I could feel the tear in my bicep tendon (again).
I decided to sell the ball. It's now on ebay. I will eventually pick up a 14 pound Rising. Ball does have great continuation at the pin deck. Hard hitting ball.
Duke Harding
Bowling Balls in my eBay Store...