Hello fellow Trackers!
I want to start bowling ABT tournaments soon. After almost of year of comparing brands that suit me and considering price
erformance:longevity ratios, I've decided to stick with Track. My Equation has done nothing but save the day whenever my Black Widow or Pain aren't giving me what I want. I've tried Storm and liked it, but too pricey. Brunswick and Columbia didn't impress me much. I liked Ebonite a lot, but I'm scared that their covers will die on me after 50 games or so. Track was the only brand that withstood my high standards. On with the show...
For my 4 ball bag, I was thinking:
Mean Machine
Power Machine
Track Equation (Already have, drilled 4x2)
Spare Ball
Do you guys think that would cover a good spectrum of oil patterns or should I go with something more versatile in place of the power machine? I was at the Ebonite Demo days yesterday and I loved the One and Infinite one, but due to the low life of Ebonite covers, I'm a little scared to invest in them. All help would be very much appreciated.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please
Hammer Pain (1000 grit)
Hammer Black Widow
Track Equation
Storm Spare Ball
Edited on 10/15/2006 12:46 PM